Pregnancy Research

Pregnancy is a hard period that needs acceptable care. Thus, pregnant women should undertake interventions that assist identify and modify social, biomedical, and behavioral dangers to the pregnancy outcome their commonplace health through administration and prevention. This analysis discusses pre-conception care, cultural implications, and pregnancy issues that affect Mrs. G. and how to go about them.
Preconception care
Specific steps that need to be taken early in being pregnant or before conception to maximize fitness outcomes. During a visit with Mrs. G., I will ask about her lifestyle and diet, medicines taken, her medical and family history, and her final pregnancy.
To further help Mrs. G., I would provide nutritional information for her that will assist her maintain a regular supply of nutrients that will replace and grow worn-out tissue as well as provide more energy. I will also provide her with information regarding how much of each nutrient that she would need every day. The daily dietary reference intake of nutrients will be from food and supplements. I will also advise Mrs. G that her diet gives her enough nutrients, and she needs to be aware which ones are in the foods that she consumes daily to help her make healthy food choices. Her dietary plans should take into account her age, and how she exercises daily.

Cultural Implications

Cultural respect is an essential factor that needs to be incorporated when taking care of Mrs. G as it helps to reduce health disparities and improve high-quality healthcare access that is responsive to the needs of patients. Mrs. G. comes from Nigeria, and it is essential to recognize and respect her demographics by providing culturally sensitive care. This requirement is noticeably apparent in maternal and critical care units. Some of the cultural issues that I need to be aware of when providing care for Mrs. G and her family are her choice of diet and source of immediate assistance at home that includes the role of her husband in helping with her pregnancy. Being aware of these factors is crucial since many people from other cultures seek traditional foods and herbal remedies that may interact poorly with Western medicine or are sometimes harmful. Consequently, nurses and doctors need to ask patients about alternative healing approaches that they might be using. Another example of showing cultural sensitivity involves understanding the roles of husbands or men in the society of the patient. In some cultures, husbands are the decision makers for the whole family, especially in regards to decisions regarding treatment options. In other societies, men are not allowed to help women who are pregnant and thus the patients should always be around a female companion who can check the progress of the pregnancy. Otherwise, the woman should frequently visit the hospital for checkups. As a caregiver, I should improve my cultural skill by collecting relevant cultural data regarding the condition of the patient and her past experience as well as perform a culturally specific assessment that is accurate. Also, it is important to explain to Mrs. G. every detail regarding her pregnancy and why it may be different from her previous experience. Healthcare jargon could be difficult for her since her native language is not English.

Pregnancy Complications

Regarding her past pregnancy complications, I would inform Mrs. G. that pregnancy complications can involve both the health of the mother and the child. It is good that she had no complications during her last pregnancy but she should know that some women have health problems before they get pregnant, and these issues could lead to pregnancy complications. Also, other sets of problems can arise during pregnancy. However, she should not be worried since whether she is faced with a common or rare complication, there are different ways to manage problems that come up during pregnancy. Besides, as Nair, Kurinczuk, Brocklehurst, Sellers, Lewis, & Knight (2015) indicate, she should know that even women who were healthy before and had healthy pregnancy can experience complications. These complications may create a high-risk situation that needs proper attention. I would also advise Mrs. G. to make it a habit of attending prenatal tests done during pregnancy that help to spot and prevent complication problems early enough. If any problem is found, Mrs. G should make follow all her doctor’s advice regarding the treatment. Doing so will boost her chances of safe delivery and having a healthy baby. Besides, I would advise Mrs. G. that since she is still a mother, and may plan on having another child in the future, she should make sure to talk to a doctor about her present or past health problems before getting pregnant. In case she is receiving treatment, a doctor may manage her health problem differently so that her pregnancy is not affected negatively. Some medicines are harmful when taken during pregnancy (Dean, S. V., Lassi, Imam, & Bhutta, 2014).


It is evident that pregnant women should have early prenatal care that can help decrease the risks for pregnancy problems by enabling doctors to diagnose and manage conditions before they become significant problems. Care givers should also recognize and respect the demographics of patients by providing culturally sensitive care, and Mrs. G. should follow her doctor`s advice so that she can have a safe pregnancy.


Dean, S. V., Lassi, Z. S., Imam, A. M., & Bhutta, Z. A. (2014). Preconception care: nutritional risks and interventions. Reproductive health, 11(3), S3.

Nair, M., Kurinczuk, J. J., Brocklehurst, P., Sellers, S., Lewis, G., & Knight, M. (2015). Factors associated with maternal death from direct pregnancy complications: a UK national case–control study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 122(5), 653-662.

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