Robots have performed important in industrial and manufacturing sectors of the economy. They have help in laptop loading and unloading, routing, assembly and handling of materials. However, with the boost in research in the medical field, robots have been appreciably involved in various scientific treatment and services. Currently, robots are relevant in different areas of healthcare such as surgical precision, assistance, telemedical network, disinfectant, pharmaceutics and companion robotic among other rising applications. This discussion will analyze how robots effectively make a contribution to the field of medicine.
Robots help to beautify precision and efficiency in medical surgery. The robots such as da Vinci have assisted in carrying out more complex operations (Doulgeris 354). The robot has help in the various field from urologic, head and neck surgeries, cardiac valve repair, gynecologic procedures, and prostatectomies. The da Vinci robot assist in carrying these sophisticated operations using minimally invasive approach compared to humans. The robot has greater flexibility and reach and make smaller incisions with a high level of precision when accessing the area of concern (Doulgeris 355). The da Vinci robot has jointed-wrist capability above that of humans hand range movement this allows for small space, less blood, trauma, pain and faster healing than routine surgeries.

Furthermore, robots can minimize the burden that pharmacist goes through in looking through the patient medical record to prescribe medicine to patients (Kujat 7). Robots are more capable of processing information more accurately and faster than humans. This help them to quickly go through patients records, identify previous medical prescriptions and make more accurate recommendations. The pharma robotics such as pharma dispersers work as ATMs and thus allow patients to access their medical prescriptions at any time. With pharma dispensers, the pharmacist will have less burden of moving through many patient files to locate the patient record. They will also provide services to patients at all times.

Robots have also reduced the needs to have nurses and staffs patrolling hospitals to deliver patient medication to nurses (Kujat 6). Robots such as Mr. Gower navigates the riding elevators, hallways opening doors and distributing patient medications to stations on its own. The robot solves the need for a high number of staffs and also allow for faster medical treatment. Since it can operate for almost 12 hours, Mr. Gower ensures that their continuous medical provision to the patient at each nurse station.

Moreover, robots can act as companion robots. They can serve as social partners to patients thus alleviating loneliness and also help in the treatment of mental health issues. Robots such as Buddy, Pepper Jibo, and Paro have provided a companion to patients. Some of these robots have cameras, microphones and touch sensors (Beasley). This allows the owners to easily talk to them and remind them of their medical situations or as them to locate great concerts from them.

Robots also have contributed effectively to disinfection in health facilities (Beasley). Robots such as those made by Xenex Company in Texas uses ultraviolet light with high intensity to quickly and efficiently disinfect space in a healthcare facility. The Xenex Robot causes damage to the cells of microorganism more effectively than any other known disinfectants. Thus Xenex robot minimizes the number of infections that can be acquired by patients and staffs in a health facility. The robot also reduces workload and need for additional workers to carry out disinfections and produce friendlier environment.

In conclusion, robotics in health care have significantly contributed toward improving health care. They have to increase precision and speed in surgery leading to less pain, trauma and quick healing. They have also enhanced fast and accurate prescription of medicine to the patient. The robots have also help to alleviate loneliness and assisted in the treatment of mental health. They have also eased the work of healthcare providers. These benefits and many other to come can only be realized when medical field continue to keep in touch with innovation

Work cited

Beasley, Ryan A. “Medical Robots: current systems and research directions.” Journal of Robotics 2012 (2012).

Doulgeris, J., S. MSME, and A. MSBE. “Robotics in Neurosurgery: evolution, current challenges, and compromises.” Cancer Control 22.3 (2015): 352-360.

Kujat, Lorelei. “How Have Robotics Impacted Healthcare?” The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research 12.1 (2013): 6-8.

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