A society with a culture of fairness and impartiality in overseeing integrity is the most just. As a result, the culture implies that each individual is expected to exercise legal rights and responsibilities in society. As a result, because every member of the society is treated equally before the law, the culture allows members of the society to have a common good for the entire society. Furthermore, a just culture demands that each individual be treated with respect, as each has the same level of honor and dignity as the other. The just society has the vital task to foster character and competence in the individuals, establish a social trust and aid the progenies to become unprejudiced people and blameless citizens. The vital task is executed through the families, community life, and an interaction of religious, educational, economic, and public involvement. The just society thereby encourages a democratic governance of the entire community. Furthermore, the just society is founded on a caring and efficient government, an essential market, and a lively community.

The just society consequently necessitates the jurisdictional, legislative and administrative institutions which ascertain that every member of the society abides by the ethical decrees of the society. These decrees are based on the morals that are constituted based on the spiritual, cultural, social and economic dimensions of the whole society. Hence, the just society is regulated by the three institutions in maintaining harmony within its members.

The three institutions will, therefore, maintain harmony, fairness, and impartiality by assuming their distinct responsibilities. Firstly, the legislative institution will be accountable for formulating and amending the law that will govern the entire community. Secondly, the executive institution will have the role of ensuring that the laws are used as stipulated. Lastly, the jurisdictional institution will be responsible for making the legal decisions whenever there is a dispute amidst the members of the society. Moreover, since every member of the society is held to have an equal legal responsibility and right, every irresponsible member of the society will have to be penalised so as to discourage the other members who are also likely to become unfair to their fellow members.

The justest society, therefore, would be a community where every member has the same opportunity to be employed and even to undertake a business venture based on their intellectual liberty and their freedom of choice. Equally, every member of the community will be answerable to their actions whenever their actions are found to have infringed the societal law. In such a society, the members are expected to utilise their freedoms in achieving a better society for themselves and even their progenies.

Subsequently, in a just society, the freedom of members is exceedingly valued. This implies that the members of the society are at liberty to do anything for their benefit and that of the society without trespassing the decreed statutes of that society. The societal liberty entitled to every member encompasses intellectual liberty, the freedom of communication and expression, freedom of worship, freedom of choice and freedom of movement. These personal, communal and economic liberties are critical for ensuring impartiality and fairness amidst the members of the community. However, they could be manipulated by crafty individuals who know how to utilize legal loopholes in order to achieve their personal intents.

When the freedom is esteemed highly and the equality excluded, the society will no longer be easily managed within the state of fair and impartial treatment of its members. The principal cause for this is that the manipulators of law will seek the legal loopholes and utilize them while guarding themselves as persons who are endorsing their freedom in whatever that they are participating in.

As a consequence, the liberty for communication and expression will be manipulated and even be utilised in disrespecting the other members of the society. Yet, the society is considered to be just when every individual is equally respected and also equally respects the other members of the society by honouring them and granting them their dignity. Thus, a complete exclusion of equality will thus imply that the members of the society could exploit their freedom of choice and freedom of worship to establish inequality by treating their fellow members, who do not share their faith and choice, with disrespectfully.

Furthermore, esteeming freedom highly endorses a greater advancement in economic growth of the society. This owes to the fact that every individual will be motivated to maximize their potentials in achieving their personal benefits and the communal gains too. This also implies that individuals like employers could potentially utilise their freedom rights in selecting employees rather than offering an equal opportunity to every member of the society.

Alternatively, when equality is revered more, then most of the members of the society who have greater potential will be discouraged from achieving their capabilities because everyone will be necessitated to have an equal amount of property, an identical religion, an equivalent education and even a similar job. Besides, equality demands that every member of the society has to start an activity from the same standpoint. Thereafter, the individuals are to advance in the activity as centred on their individual merits rather than from the benchmarks set to exclude some members from the same experiences and opportunities as the others.

Similarly, equality is a perception that upholds civic, social and legal facets for every member of the society. Thus, indicating that every member of the society has to be treated essentially in the same fashion irrespective of the dissimilarities in language, habits, appearance, religion, work, and even origins. Hence a comprehensive esteeming of equality implies that the society will be fairly just in how the members of the society are treated, while still causing an unfairness by capping the potential of other members via the discouragement that inhibits them from achieving their entire capabilities. For instance, when individuals are paid an equal amount when one has worked sparingly hard and the other exceedingly hard, the latter is discouraged from working extra hard because the reward is the same.

In conclusion, members of a just society will ever tend to obtain a relief through justice whether equality is esteemed higher than their freedom or freedom is regarded highly than equality. The basis for this is that the three governing institutions, namely; the jurisdictive, the legislative and the executive are anticipated to execute their duties duly so as to restore harmony, fairness, and impartiality back to the society. Therefore, it is only these institutions that could alleviate the situation of esteeming either freedom or equality more highly.

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