Modern technology has opened up a plethora of opportunities and possibilities around the world, while also posing significant challenges to the conventional and traditional ways of doing things. This has increased connections between individuals and companies as a result of connectivity, resulting in widespread social networking in the field of communication, which is one aspect of digital technology that has both positive and negative aspects. While there are several dimensions to this form of technology, the emphasis of this essay will be on better communication and networking. As a result, modern technology should not be limited due to people’s reliance on improved communication methods which is faster, reliable, easy, cheap, and accessible due to the relevance of this types of technologies and the ability of people to make informed decisions on how they exercise the use of technology.

The rationale for my position on encouraging modern communication rather that limiting it despite apparent overreliance rests on the premise that these new inventions are essentially what make the society as it is now and enable its functioning as shall be elaborated in the subsequent section. Social media platforms such as Facebook, for example, have been attacked on the premise that they rob families of their precious time together and have effectively killed traditional dialogue since people, particularly millennials, would rather chat on their mobile devices rather than with one another. As a matter of fact, when conflict ensues between tow people such as parent and child, the latter often resorts to social media for advice and comfort where they learn plenty of things that can be harmful or positive. Modern youth obtain over ¾ of their entertainment and information online and spend a similar amount of time with their gadgets. Businesses have also been caught up in this drama where they have taken on online manner of doing business to the extent that some have abandoned or greatly reduced investments in the traditional forms of promotion such as newspapers and mass media. Every one of these reasons and many others no mentioned can be put forth as justification for limiting use of modern communication methods; they create overreliance which can be costly I the event the internet is temporarily unavailable in cases of businesses and where the youth would find I unnatural to communicate without them. However, the argument that makes this type of communication relevant is based on the fact that its benefits (discussed below) far outweigh its negatives sides. As a matter of fact, limiting technology would have just as bad effects as relying on it, besides every venture carries some form of risk and modern communion methods are no exception. As such, they should not be limited due to this or every business would have to be limited.

In modern communication, the information reaches the audience and targeted persons faster due to the modern gadgets of communication controlled by undersea cables, wireless signals, and satellites. This has improved the speed with which information is transmitted across the world defeating the old ways where the information could take a long time to reach the targeted individual especially if they are far apart (Bourke and Jane, p.57). Today, you only need a mobile phone and an area where there is a signal to communicate to anyone, anywhere in the world. There are other modern ways of communication which are also faster especially on the internet through emails, video conferencing, and free internet calls. The information reaches the recipient at the required time without any delay. There is enhanced reliability in using these modern ways of transmitting messages as they reach the target recipient as intended, at the right time and securely. As messages are sent electronically, they reach their destinations instantly. The integrity of the information sent is not affected by bad weather or errors arising from human beings. For instance, when a message is sent via electronic mail, it reaches near instantly to the intended recipient without alteration or distortion despite traversing great distances. The security of the information is also enhanced due to the fact that there is no third party to relay it to the intended receiver. The communication is kept between the sender and the receiver thus ensuring the confidentiality of the communicated data or information.

It is also easier to convey a message using the modern means of communication whereby the sender of the message does not need to move physically to meet the recipient. By simply a touch of a button, the message will have been relayed as required without any complications and instant feedback given where required depending on the platform employed. There are no complicated processes to relay a piece of information as opposed to the old ways which involved letters going through the post office and had many requirements and paperwork. In just one day, millions of people converse around the world as if they live in one village. Mostly, the modern methods of communication are easier to learn by most people including the technologically illiterate or challenged individuals because it involves very simple and understandable procedures. Additionally, communication has been made cheap and affordable to every nation and individual globally. Mobile phones are affordable to many; hence most people own them making communication very cheap compared to the olden days where the sender could use the post office or go physically to relay the information (Green and Lelia, p.87). The social media, for example, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, we chat and others have made communication even cheaper because a subscription of data bundles or Wi-Fi can lead to communication with many people at ago since many people are online. There are also many offers that come with the use of these modern ways of communication that reduce costs to almost nil. For instance, offers given by the network providers when one subscribes to their services such as unlimited data bundle and minute plans. There is a lot of data that can now be transmitted via the internet to those who require them. People can hold meetings successfully even if they are far away cheaply through video conferencing which is important for people who live very far apart like in different nations of the world.

It is accessible as most people can be reached at ago even if they are not seen physically. The modern communication gadgets are at the reach of many. There is no longer the need to travel along distance to find them. Most people use and walk with their mobile phones which make them communicate anywhere at any time. Digitalization is taking shape in the world today and countries are moving from the state of being analog. Therefore, most people have the access to computers which also can be used as a means of modern communication. The old means of communication were not easily accessible to many as opposed to today. The post offices were majorly found in cities and towns which many could not access. Social interactions among people who have never seen eye to eye are common through chat rooms, online dating sites, Facebook has led to conversations among people far apart and even created relationships. People meet each other without even being there physically. It is more flexible to deal with social anxiety like the long-distance relationships. The interactions bring a peaceful co-existence among various people of different cultural backgrounds. The online relationship both intimate and platonic has now become a social norm. Additionally, the modern communication has been invaluable in conveying news and disaster information to areas where it is required. Information is posted on various social media platforms and anybody logging can see it and read. It has become an important source of news because it reaches the target audience very fast (Barney and Darin, p.34). Social media in particular, has become an important tool for spreading breaking news and has assisted in times of emergencies like the natural disasters. For example, the Haiti earthquake which occurred in 2010, was broadcast through the social media and news spread very fast encouraging people and warning them to be cautious. In times of disaster, donations have been prompted easily online because many people follow such events even if not physically present.

Modern communication has enhanced business operations in several ways ranging from marketing to online transactions through forums such as PayPal and Skrill. Targeted customers can be reached with convenience across the world. There is easy coordination between organizations, suppliers, and customers irrespective of the distance. Social interaction with the customers where most businesses are using the social media networks, for instance, creating a Facebook page to interact with customers as they can see the products and comment, they can also order for those products at ease. Most companies have adopted the online shopping system to enable them to reach many of their customers globally. Creating a Facebook page is simple and free hence reducing the cost of product promotion. Items can be sold to the customers anywhere across the world without them moving to meet with the sellers physically. This enables the customers to have a variety to choose from. The digital networks have improved business as most offices use mobile phones which are not dependent on telephone lines and booths which were always affected by bad weather. Today, with broadband and satellite transmissions, it is easier to communicate with one another while at work or not, using mobile phones (Luo and Jia, p.178). Also, one can work from home or anywhere and send the work for printing in the office. Communication within the organizations has been improved over time with the advancement in technology. This has improved efficiency and effectivity of their operations and customer service. They can now have their customers’ database and talk to them in the case of any emergency that they need to know and attend to, through making a call or writing a text message. Furthermore, improved employee-employer relationships within various organizations. These options have resulted in concepts such as telecommuting and teleconferencing. The latter has improved business operations. Today, different business partners can easily convene a meeting without necessary traveling to meet in a specific location. They can multi-task as they follow the meeting. Presentations can be done easily without a physical meeting. The parties involved can meet online and continue with their presentations as required. Businesses can launch their products easily as opposed to a long time when they would engage in heavy and cumbersome product promotion to tell the customers of the new products in the market. Today, products can be put online at their websites accessible to customers globally or even on other social network platforms like the Facebook page (Nash, p.88). Many customers are reached through these online methods and can easily be made aware of the arrival of the new products in the market. Through email subscriptions, most organizations have their customers’ email accounts such that in the case of a launch of a new product, they simply draft one email and send to their customers globally at the same time without much cost. This is fairer to all the customers as all receive this message so long as they are subscribed at the same time issue (Stone and Jacobs).

Product surveys have been simplified as well. In most cases, the companies used to pay heavily to various magazines to place a survey form and have the perceived customers fill and be given gifts. That has changed over time as most organizations use the social networks to conduct these surveys online and instant feedback from their targeted customers giving them incentives like the gift cards. The survey can now be done across the world easily and cheaply online and many still participate. The online surveys are faster and effective because it gives some reliable information necessary to improve the product.

Overcoming disabilities is another aspect where effective modern communication has helped significantly. Technology has improved communication even for the disabled. The use of speech-generating devices helps people with speech impairments such as renowned scientist Stephen Hawkins to express themselves. The brain-computer system restores the ability of communication to people who lost it. Most deaf people can now communicate conveniently through mobile phones by writing text messages. The physically handicapped can also communicate conveniently without necessarily changing their locations. Technology has also impacted much on individual communication. Text message services have enabled individuals to keep in touch with friends. Using some mobile apps like ebuddy enables one to chat freely with friends. The parental security apps have also enabled most parents to know the location of their children. When this app is installed with mobile GPS tracking, the parent will simply know the location of their child with that similar app installed on their phones, which blink red when the child is in danger. Free internet calls where one can call freely using the internet centers, for example, Skype, just need to connect your laptop to the available internet and talk freely with the other person having the same connection (Wahlgren, Peter). Use of emails has also enabled sending of wide and many messages across the world (Simpson and Kennedy, p.90).

Although, there are very many ways modern technology has contributed to the improvement in communication. The use of mobile devices and cell phones have caused some distractions which can be dangerous. Many people suffer through accidents due to distraction by mobile phones while drivers are either texting or calling while driving. The driver can drive while using the cellphone to chat hence causing getting distracted. The attention of the driver then shifts from the road to the phone reducing their concentration on the road. It also causes a distraction in offices and homes. A lot of time is wasted when one is working and phone calls and text messages cross through their cellphones, it distracts them and their colleagues. It draws the attention from important issues which needs much concentration (Tagg, Caroline). Regardless of these aspects, the benefits discussed above should mitigate the possible negative effects.


There are many ways in which technology improves lives especially through communication which has been improved significantly over the traditional forms. Today, most people can interact freely irrespective of where they come from and improve on their social relationships. Many things that were viewed as impossible are now possibilities such like video conferencing. Most businesses have improved greatly in their operations and performance as most of them have large customer coverage networks across the world. Most companies now operate globally and their operations have been simplified with this extended area of operation. Customers can conveniently order and shop online saving them from traveling costs. A variety of information about products is also accessible online and even those products. There several benefits associated with modern communication, therefore, I strongly support that modern communication in technology should not be limited due to people’s reliance on it. Rather, people should exercise self-restrain and caution while using these technologies.

Works Cited

Barney, Darin. Communication Technology. 1st ed., Vancouver, UBC Press, 2014.

Bourke, Jane. Communication & Technology. 1st ed., Greenwood, WA, Ready-Ed Publications,


Green, Lelia. Communication, Technology and Society. 1st ed., London, SAGE, 2002.

Luo, Jia. Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology. 1st ed., Berlin, Springer, 2012.

Nash , E. (2000). Direct marketing: Strategy, planning, execution (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Simpson , Craig and Dan S Kennedy . The Direct Mail Solution: A Business Owner’s Guide to Building a Lead-Generating, Sales-Driving, Money-Making Direct-Mail Campaign. Entrepreneur Press, 2014.

Stone, Bob and Ron Jacobs. Successful Direct Marketing Methods. 8th. New York: McGraw-Hill Educatio, 2007.

Tagg, Caroline. The Discourse of Text Messaging. 1st ed., New York, Continuum, 2012,

Wahlgren, Peter. Information & Communication Technology. 1st ed., Stockholm, Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law, 2010.

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