Green (1996) asserts in his article Peer Reviewed: a Practical Guide to Analytical System Validation that performing a rigorous validation method can be exhausting and engaging due to the lengthy procedures involved, as well as time and money consuming. Regardless, the most crucial factor is for chemical analysts to make choices based on the most reliable results. According to the paper, system validation refers to the requirement that a final optimization approach follow a set of widely agreed requirements (Green 303). Finally, the data produced by validation is of high quality and could be used in a variety of applications. Research methods are often considered to use specific approaches that confirm a data’s validity that can be demonstrated before publishing any information. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the researcher to ensure that the study is carried out with due diligence. After all, the data produced from a study should be repeatedly used to confirm the previous validation methods (Green 304). Even though, analytical methods may be difficult to assess, validation is critical and should be performed.
Accuracy, precision, and limits of detection are what constitute good analytical methods in the pursuit of any data collection and analysis. Ideally, data provided should have high accuracy that specifically relates to the requirements. However, despite the ease and availability of good conducting methods of validation, such methods are not widely known and accepted. Therefore, such results tend to create forced retractions of published data (Green 304). Furthermore, for researchers to prove their validity, data should demonstrate repeatability and reproducibility due to the excellent data points and statistical treatments. Also, researchers would not either lose their jobs or respect in the field when they strictly adhere to such rules of maintaining study validations (Green 307). In this regard, it becomes obvious that conducting good practices of research will, in turn, improve the reputation of science in the future.

Works Cited
Green, J. Mark. “Peer reviewed: a practical guide to analytical method validation.” Analytical chemistry 68.9 (1996): 305A-309A.

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