Police agencies use crime bulletins to help restrict illegal activity in some areas and to maximize security (Tonry, 2011). This report relies on a criminal bulletin telling the police of what is required of them to get hold of the suspect’s car for a particular crime.
I, Daniel Barksdale, the chief of the criminal investigation in the police department of Fallsingtown Township, am calling for your assistance to help find an alleged car that was used to flee by an unidentified suspect; after the incident, the perpetrator is claimed to have attempted to assault a school kid who called at the station. The victim called the station today on 11/1/2010 at around 15:35. I was able to speak to the victim, and he described himself as; Tim McMurray, a white male, height 5’3 and weighing around 115 pounds and is also a resident of 234 Lincoln Street, Liverton, IL. He said that he had been attacked by an unknown person while walking home from school. He also described the suspect as a male white, of age approximately 25 years; he had a scruffy facial hair and shaggy brown hair, and he had a dirty appearance. The victim described that he saw him wearing a red flannel shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes.

After questioning the victim, I discovered the following; Tim McMurray was walking home from school when the suspect approached him on foot from behind. He pretended to be seeking direction guidelines from the victim by asking McMurray to guide him on which way he could use to get to the hospital. McMurray innocently started giving the suspect directions to the Fresenius Medical Care. However, the suspect’s interest was not to get the information about the hospital’s direction as he tried grabbing Tim McMurray in a bear-hug and tried to carry him forcefully towards the path that he had come from without the victim’s consent.

Tim McMurray was able to overpower the suspect as he fought him by kneeing him in the groin area. This bought McMurray time, and he was able to flee the scene towards the southbound on the Main Street. As McMurray was fleeing, he turned around and saw his attacker getting into the passenger seat of a vehicle which he was able to identify as a blue Chevrolet Camaro. He, however, was not able to get a clear view of the license plate but he was able to notice a red paint transfer on the passenger quarter panel and a dent in the same area.

McMurray was also not able to see the driver clearly, but he believes it was a woman because, behind the steering wheel, he was able to catch a glimpse of a person with long blond hair who helped the suspect flee the scene by making a U-turn to the northbound on the Main Street. After this incident, McMurray continued fleeing and went to a friend’s house where he was able to contact the police and report about the attack.

It has come to the attention of the office that such cases have been on the rise and they should be treated as attempted kidnap. As you all know our department has zero tolerance on issues of abduction and also as articulated in the Federal Criminal Code, kidnapping is a serious federal offense which has a prison sentence of 20 years or more depending on the circumstances (Carlan, 2015). Last week such an incident was also reported with the suspect’s description fitting the description of the suspect in this case. It, therefore, seems that he is a person who is used to this line of crime and it is our duty as the police department to arrest him before he hurts any other person because not everyone will be able to defend himself or herself from the victim like Tim McMurray did today.

Any information regarding the suspect will be highly appreciated, and I hope that you will do all the best that you can to help locate the vehicle and the suspect so that stern action can be taken against him for such an attempt. Any information is expected to be reported to the office immediately so that the department can follow up from there and arrest the suspect. You can obtain information about the vehicle and the suspect by asking around from the people around the northbound and southbound Main Streets and also provide them with the contact details so that they can reach the police department if they happen to come across the vehicle.

Any information that you get from this incident should be reported to my deputy or me. The data expected include; location details, the time when you saw the vehicle or were informed by a resident that the car was seen in the neighborhood, pictures of the vehicle or suspect in question if possible and any other information that you feel like will be of help in this case.

Contact details:

Head of criminal investigations

Daniel Barksdale


Fallingstown Township Police Department 271-253-1751

Building A78 Office 271- 763-1887

289 Main Street

New York


Deputy Head of criminal investigations

Jackson Vossmer


Fallingstown Township Police Department 271-332-7645

Building A79 Office 271-345-7869

289 Main Street

New York


Carlan, L. S. (2015). A Brief introduction to Criminal law. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Tonry, M. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy. Oxford University Press.

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