The evolution theme is used to educate people about the origins of the earth (and everything in it, including people). The creation problem, according to Fred, fully accounts for the relationship between nature and its creator (Fred, 2016). As a result, the cosmos and the creator are central to the nature theme. As a result, the origin topic is critical to culture and civilization because it reminds its people of how they came to be and who their ultimate being is.
The two stories that will be considered include The Origin of the World, by Short Stories For All Ages, and Enuma Elish: Babylonian Creation – (in Creation Myths: Stories About How The World Began) – by Stefan Stenudd. According to the Short Stories For All Ages, the earth and everything in it were created by God within six days. On the sixth day, He created men and women and commanded them to reproduce to be in a position to fill the universe, hence, illustrating how people came to exist on earth (Short Stories For All Ages, n.d.). According to Stenudd, the Babylonians came from a supreme being that was caused to appear by Marduk – a Babylonian god – after he defeated the ‘gods of old’ (Stenudd, n.d.). After the victory, Marduk inherited all the cultures on earth including the divine couple, which led to the occurrence of the world.

Similarities between the Two Creation Stories

An analysis of the two stories reveals that all societies believe that they were created by a supreme being. As a result, every society pays homage to its supreme being.

Differences between the Two Creation Stories

Nevertheless, there exists a significant difference between the two stories, which is depicted by the different supreme beings. According to the Short Stories For All Ages, the universe was created by God (an immortal being) after He came up with a decision to do so while Stenudd points out that the Babylonians were created after Marduk (a god) overpowered the other gods.


Fred, G. (2016). The creation theme in Genesis 1, Psalm 104 and Job 38-42. Jewish Bible Quarterly. Retrieved on 11 September 2017, from,

Short Stories For All Ages. (n.d.). the origin of the world. Short Stories For All Ages. Retrieved on 11 September 2017, from,

Stennud, S. (n.d.), Creation myths: Stories about how the world began. Creation Myths. Retrieved on 11 September 2017, from,

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