The sustainability in the surroundings stems from its ability to sustain the present and future generation. It consists of measures put in region to ensure that the natural environment is maintained so as to be in a position to sustain the economy and the society in general. Environmental sustainability is all about the relatedness of human beings and their activities with the ecosystem. The surroundings to be sustainable should be able to provide smooth water, clean air and productive land. Without such provision the environment may now not be able to sustain the people. Environmental sustainability is crucial in the building of a sustainable society. The sustainability in the society is achieved when the social, economic and political factors are sustainable. The economic system for instance depends on the flow of energy, raw materials and resources from the environment. The absence of these often results in an economic crisis.
The environment in its natural form is sustainable and can support the wild which often comprise of plants and animals. Human beings are dependent on the environment for such services as supporting services, regulation services, cultural services and provisioning services. As a provider the environment provide food, clean water, fresh air, chemicals, medicines and energy. Some support services include: photosynthesis, soil formation, nutrient recycle, water cycling and seed dispersal. The regulating function of the environment helps in purifying air, water, managing and treating waste, regulating climate, promoting pollination, pest and disease control, soil erosion control, and regulation of the natural hazards. Culturally the environment promotes the well-being of the people and enriches their socialization and experiences.
Human activities consequential of the dynamic cultures and technologies have impacted negatively on the environment posing a threat to its sustainability. Natural resources due to increasing population have been utilized in a manner threatening its sustainability. The growing need for energy due to industrialization has impacted negatively on the environmental sustainability. The use of fossil fuels mainly for engine operations has increased the pollution levels. Farming with chemicals contaminates the soil, water and air. The huge generation of sewage and dirty water and the inability to effectively treat them have impacted negatively on the environment. Non biodegradable products are a threat to the natural ecosystem and cause harm to humans. Unsustainable environment is detrimental to life and essentially provides doubts to the future. The toxins released into the environment through human activities are poisonous and sometimes cause deadly diseases such as cancer. Carbon emissions is a serious threat to global warming wing as a result has devastating effects such as increase in temperatures, flooding, and drought. Human beings ought to be custodians of their environment and ensure that initiatives are put in place to preserve it. The people should change on their behavior towards the environment and become more responsible (Green and Lidinsky, 2011).
Since environmental sustainability forms vital prerequisite to the socio-economic systems of the society, it is crucial that the threats to its sustainability are dealt with and efforts to foster it are promoted. Societal needs should be environmentally conscious and only productions which do not compromise the environment should be encouraged. The biodiversity in the environment should be preserved at all cost and that the ecological sustainability is ensured. The environmental resources should be utilized responsibly and investment done on energy efficient alternatives. The renewable resources should be utilized within their capacities to regenerate. It is crucial that resources are reused and recycled thereby reducing the menace of wastes. Environmental pollution should be avoided at all costs and measures put in place to ensure that the environment is clean and at it natural form as possible.
Green S., and Lidinsky A., (2011). From Inquiry to Academic Writing, Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston. 2nd Edition
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