Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to comprehend the emotions they feel as well as those of others around them. People with emotional intelligence are able to comprehend psychological events that occur in their lives. Apart from comprehending these emotions, they are able put them in check such that they do not disrupt thee friendly atmosphere they have with others around them.
There are five main aspects in emotional intelligence, which are motivation, social skills, empathy, self-regulation, and self-awareness. In professional set-ups, emotional intelligence is indispensable for any company that aims to perform better. The proposal below outlines key elements of a training program, as well as the importance of these practices to United Airlines.
Emotional Intelligence and Motivation
Satisfaction among the employees of any enterprise is crucial to the performance of that company. Motivation as a pillar of the emotional intelligence enables leaders to maintain a consistent course of action towards achieving their desired goals at work. Such individuals often maintain quality standards at every step of their performance (Bowkett, 2007). As part of this training, the management of the United Airlines would be trained of positive and negative reinforcement. These two aspects of motivation would ensure that the employees are maintained on the right course of focus that would see the company succeed in its vision and mission.
The inclusion of positive and negative reinforcement would enable the management to maintain the appropriate professional conduct and performance among the employees. In this practice, an employee who performs well would be rewarded for the performance, so as to prompt him to do the same again. In the same manner, those employees that may not perform very well are met with situations that would enable them to come out of complacency into powerful performance (Bowkett, 2007). Best performing workers, for example, can be taken out for company trips as a reward. On the other side, less performing employees can be exposed to more training opportunities, in a manner that improves their performance as well as morale at work. The motivation of every worker is as important as the need to ensure the success of the company, since it forms the willingness among the employees, to pursue the dreams of the business with more zeal and commitment (Wilding, 2007).
Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills and Decision-Making
Social skills as a component of emotional intelligence enable people to communicate more efficiently. These individuals, especially in leadership positions, are good at building team work, given their impeccable standards of interpersonal relations (Nightingale, 2017). People with this critical component are efficient at accommodating changes that may occur at work. These people are capable of resolving conflicts diplomatically and efficiently, with minimal or no harm at all. Training on this component of the emotional intelligence would result in managers with high standards of teamwork, inclusion as well as keep members of their teams on the right course of action, hence an increased performance at the United Airlines.
The social skills are also essential in the process of decision making. Every single decision in working set-ups can have varied effects on the morale of the employees. It is, therefore, significant to involve a lot of social skills in decision-making. Social skills are critical as they look to ensure that the decisions made in the company do not limit the morale of the workers. An improved morale of the workers is such a sure way to result in an improved output by the enterprise, with regards to the mission and vision of the company (Bar-On, Parker, & Goleman, 2000).
Apart from the morale of the workers, emotional intelligence has a great role in enhancing the effectiveness of any single decision arrived at by the management, given the general considerations it offers to the expected impacts of the decision. The use of emotional intelligence is also the key to shaping the ideas of the workers of the company to adequately fit the guidelines that have been laid down to see the company achieve its full potential, with regards to performance (Nightingale, 2017). Due to an efficient use of emotional intelligence, the employees of the company can as well be guided by the mentality and perception of accepting in its fullness, the strategies that have been laid down by company managements, in a thorough decision-making process.
Effective Teams
Efficient teams at any workplace increase the work output in such places. An active team has good interpersonal relations between and among its members, is vision-oriented, supports every member of the team, has excellent communication skills, has the motivation to work and also has support for one another persistently. In developing effective teams, managers would be trained to organize the employees working with them in a manner that their temperaments complement each other. Such an organization is the best way to create a substantially dynamic environment, such that their efforts merge to meet the goals of the company. In this manner, the company is assured of increased performance and output.
The existence of the spirit of team work could be properly organized to encounter the various changes that take place at work. Some of the dynamics of work include the difference in the perceptions of the workers that are expected to co-exist, within the working environment, to achieve the common goal of the company, as outlined in the guidelines of the United Airlines Company’s blueprint (Wilding, 2007). The limitations of some workers have to be complemented by the strengths of the others ones, whose forces can effectively overlap and cover-up for the weak points of the other workers.
Reward Systems
In every working environment, some people will perform well, and those that may not reach the peak of their work expectations. In either case, there needs to be a working system of reward. In this component of training, a good performer deserves the reward, just as a lesser productive worker may require further input, so as to enable him to work more towards achieving the ultimate goal that the company has laid down for the workers. Rewards ensure that actions by the workers receive the appropriate treatment. All the possible rewards are aimed at enhancing the ultimate performance of the company, in line, to achieve the collective dream of the organization.
For the reward systems, United Airline should have in place system of appreciating employees that perform better, and also have a mechanism to help less productive workers improve their performance at work (Wilding, 2007). As a proposal, the United Airlines should organize for appreciation ceremonies that recognize members of the various teams in the company that performs excellently well.
Executive Summary
With the latest trends in the market, one of the best ways to see the United Airlines achieve its full potential of performance lies within its organization and management. To achieve the desired high standard of performance, the greatest resource that the United Airlines should make proper use of is the human resource (Bar-On et al., 2000). The human resource includes the employees that the company has engaged in its business operations. It is because of this vital importance that this proposal is presented, so that it may be considered for implementation, and hence included in the business traditions of the United Airlines, so that the expected benefits of these practices can be experienced by the company in full.
Emotional intelligence is responsible for harnessing the greatest resource that is contained within the human resource of any business. It is because of this crucial role of emotional intelligence that I would highly recommend the implementation of professional training that would help the management of the United Airlines to understand better, the role of handling the emotions of the workers appropriately, for the ultimate good of the company. As outlined in the principles of emotional intelligence, a comprehensive understanding of the feelings of the employees, as well as the proper management of these emotions is the first step in seeing to it that the morale of the employees is handled (Bar-On et al., 2000).
Workers, whose emotions are properly handled, are better motivated and encouraged at work. Excellent performance of an enterprise is a reflection of an appropriate manipulation of the employees’ morale, in a manner that gives them comfort and also improves the performance of the company. This proposal aims to establish the professional training that would enhance the inclusion of emotional intelligence into the traditions of the United Airlines, with the expectations to uplift the goodwill and performance of the organization. I would, therefore, highly advocate for the implementation of this proposal by the United Airlines.
Bar-On, R. E., Parker, J. D., & Goleman, D. (2000). The handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace. Jossey-Bass.
Bowkett, S. (2007). Emotional intelligence. London: Network Continuum Education.
Nightingale, F. (2017). Notes on nursing: What it is, and what it is not. Lanham: Dancing Unicorn Books.
Wilding, C. (2007). Teach yourself emotional intelligence. [Place of publication not identified]: Teach Yourself Books.
Proposal for Professional Development Program
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