Superbetter is a video fitness game that will be discussed in this article. It is a free internet game that everyone can sign up for and enjoy. The game is normally divided into seven levels. First, after logging in, one creates a challenge that must be completed, such as any specific points that must be completed at the top. Second, the player collects and unlocks power-ups that will enable them to reach the goal. The third step is to locate and combat the bad guys who could be impeding your progress toward your objectives and who will enable you to begin the adventure. Thirdly is seeking out as well as the completion of the quests. The quest will help you to earn points as well to move on to the target. Fourthly is the recruitment of allies who will support you in the achievement of the set target or the challenge. The partners might be the Facebook friends that one invites to the game or in other social media platforms. Next, one adopts the secret identity which helps one to be creative that is essential for the achievement of the target. Finally, one goes for an epic win. As one completes the tasks, they usually win points and other people invited, or the allies will be aspired by the progress and play. Other essential benefits of the game are physical, emotional, mental, and social resilience.

For a starter of the game, one may sign in for lazy exercises such as dancing their favorite song or walking around the block. One of the bad guys at such that one needs to fight is taking short trip cars as well as sitting for long hours. In need of help, one can invite allies from Facebook or some Superbetter players. All the time, the goal is kept at the front or center next to the progress bar to motivate one to keep moving. There is a secret lab where one can follow the track of the progress as well as activities. Also, the secret lab can enable one to brainstorm the best move to take.

The creator of the game applies to design and technology to empowering the communities as well as individual to live an epic living. The Superbetter lab focuses on the creation of games which are powered by the strong social relations, a real sense of purpose as well as the positive emotions. Through the incorporation of the design and technology, science and wisdom, individuals can be able to flourish and achieve our full human potentials. The game is helpful in enabling people to get engaged in things that they could not have before. Playing Superbetter for 30 days for just 20 minutes a day will allow one to be gamely in times of personal stress or challenges which enable one to create resilience in overcoming such.

The audience of the game in most cases is children as well as the young adults. It is involving and well recommended into the school going children as well in the health centers in helping one to overcome stress or depression as well as in the development of a new routine. It is a social game where people can meet a new friend or strengthen the existing friendship. The play calls for the invitation of allies in the social media who will be very resourceful in overcoming the challenges. Also, one can connect with the Superbetter players who are resourceful if one needs help.

The game is helpful in the health-related area. It is essential in helping one to develop personal resilience while facing a severe challenge in life such as depression, anxiety, injury or an illness. The resilient that enables one to complete a challenge in the game is the same applied in overcoming a real personal issue. The game can be useful in making a significant health change such as weight loss, eating better or quitting smoking. Also, players are challenged in building core strengths in mental, physical, emotional and social well-being. The game has been proven to being resourceful in overcoming chronic pain, anxiety, beating depression, as well as in recovering from traumatic stress. It has been resourceful in overcoming a life challenge such as the divorce survival, finding a job, grieving a loved one as well as dealing with a career setback.

The game is recommended by several professions to some target groups. For example, it is recommended by therapists to their patients, life couches to their clients; HR professionals recommend it to their employees as a wellness incentive program. Finally, the game has been for years incorporated by the university professors in the coursework to help motivate the students in the creation of resilience.

Hence, the Superbetter is a game which is resourceful on the health-related issues. It has proven to create resilience and in overcoming depression or anxiety. Thus, it is a healthy game that should be advanced to benefit all ages.

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