Why Should We Protect Endangered Species?

Various species that roamed and inhabited various ecosystems around the world have become extinct over time. Dinosaurs and mammoths are two of the most well-known animals. Natural selection in the ecosystem or the negative effects of human activity may lead to extinction. The latter has resulted in the loss of the majority of the world’s ecosystems, putting numerous species in jeopardy of extinction. Endangered animals are animal species that are on the verge of extinction. The conservation of endangered species, on the other hand, will not only help the ecosystem, but will also improve human life quality. First, various endangered species form a significant part of the cultural and artistic heritage. A good example is the coqui elf which is the symbol of Puerto Rico (Martinelli and Fajardo) These small frogs are fascinating because they do not lay their eggs in water and they do not go through the tadpole stage of life. The bald eagle and the beavers are critical historical reminders in the US. Furthermore, some of the endangered species are culturally significant due to their aesthetic value such as the parrot of La Espanola which is loved by Dominicans due to its colorful appearance, and it speaks.

Apart from cultural advantages, protection of endangered species is vital for scientific value. Science and research on endangered species have proved that some of the species are used in areas such as disease and human health research. A good example is the endangered Pacific yew which is essential in cancer research (Chevalier and Fears np.). Furthermore, protection centers and services can educate and offer recreation sectors for people to familiarize with the endangered species and boost eco-tourism.

Another advantage that is drawn from the conservation of endangered species is the maintaining of high biodiversity and environmental health (Chevalier and Fears np.). A high number of biological species in the various habitats is vital because these organisms can be used as indicators of threats to human life such as the case where Bald eagles became endangered and shed light on the dangerous effects of DDT on human health.

However, some people argue that there is no need to protect the endangered species. High operation costs in protecting the endangered species and natural laws of selection are the main reasons that most opponents of protection of endangered species front. They argue that the funds used in the recovery of endangered species should be used to build social infrastructures such as roads and schools.

On the other hand, costs to protect endangered species can be earned through eco-tourism. Eco-tourism has the potential of growing into a self-sustaining industry whose revenues are used in the recovery of endangered species. The effects of pollution by humans and the destruction of natural habitats such as deforestation are not part of the natural laws of selection.

In conclusion, endangered species can be protected ted by the establishment of rescue centers to increase the stock of the organisms which are later released into the wild. This plan is the most optimal because it allows for operations in a centralized location and easy tracking of the recovery levels of the endangered species. The facilities established also offer specialized treatment for the animals on their road to recovery from imminent extinction. This plan is essential to the future generations as data stored in the rescue centers would be available for future estimation in the recovery of different tracked species.

Work Cited

Chevalier, Ally, and Niki Fears. “Why Should We Save Endangered Species? Arguments For & Against Conservation Of Species.” Bright Hub, 2017, http://www.brighthub.com/environment/science-environmental/articles/38549.aspx.

Martinelli, Patti J., and Karin Fajardo. Conectados. custom ed., vol. 1, Cengage Learning, 2017.

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