Which dog do you feed the most?

The Sitting Bull Maxim

The Sitting Bull Maxim is basically a mirror image of the good and bad that exists within the conscience of a person. This maxim is more similar to the yin- yang theorem of the power of good and evil that co-exist within a person. According to Sitting Bull the side that one serves more energy to win over the other. The good dog is the side of one’s character that upholds the good positive deeds, or as they may be seen in society, the bad dog represents the negative side of deeds in one’s character (Kortlander 55).

The dog that is fed most represents more energy a person directs towards that particular character, and the dog that wins symbolizes the virtues one applies most in their life. The sitting bull maxim is applicable in my working environment life where there is a good dog of motivating me to work harder and efficiently and the bad dog that promotes despise towards my work environment (French 88).

The representation of the good dog in my working environment generally represents the positive virtues (French 143). They are like meeting deadlines of work orders, positive relations with fellow workmates, being to work on time, creating a friendly working environment for both casual and permanent staff and even encourage team building activities with fellow workmates. This “good dog” personification of character fuels my working spirit enabling me to foster solid relations with working partners and also deliver efficient maximized output in my work done.

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The idealization of the bad dog is reflected in some habits that affect me negatively in society, but more rampant in the working environment (Kortlander 165). The bad dog personification is characterized by the need to see my fellow workmates achieve or do work as per my standards of quality. This bad dog would often set me off with fellow workmates on arguments of failure in the meeting of deadlines or postponing certain work events. This bad dog generally lowers my work output and even invites the thoughts of not showing up to work on time or not showing up at all during certain times.

The good and bad dogs are the antagonist and are always at war within me. This occurs due to the personality imbalance that occurs within my conscience that is resultant due to the effect of happenings around my working environment (Kortlander 235). The happening of a certain event says a co-worker has failed to submit a certain project on time, then the two sides take a toll-like as to whether to help that person finish the work (though I did mine in the same time-frame) or leave the person alone to deal with their own misfortunes.

According to Kortlander, the dog that wins as indicated by sitting bull the dog that wins is the side that is given most energy (symbolized by who is fed most). The dog that is fed most in relation to my working environment is the good dog because I prefer to foster proper working conditions with co-workers by helping each other and ensuring efficient work output. The energy I put in the good dog of my personality is based on the karma theory of life that if you do good, then good things will be done upon you, thus enabling the good dog win over the bad.

The self-assessment I conducted upon myself has given me pleasant results because it gave me are a more elaborate view of how the good dog wins the battle within me. Most people I interact with especially my co-workers could benefit greatly from the high standard of work ethic and input I put towards the work that I do, and it is reflected not only in my employment but also personal life. With the people around me following my proceeding, then they will also be eligible for the good dog to win the battle over the bad dog within them.


Works Cited

French, Laurence Armand. Routledge Handbook on Native American Justice Issues. Routledge, 2019.

Kortlander, Christopher. Arrow to the Heart: The Last Battle at the Little Big Horn: The Custer Battlefield Museum vs. The Federal Government. Post Hill Press, 2018.