Dog Park

A dog park is a public fenced area where people and their dogs can play and enjoy nature walks. Dog parks have increased over the last decade because of many people owning pets. The demand of dog parks has thus increased. There is need for non-profit dog parks, funded by the relevant government authorities to provide recreational opportunities for dogs and their owners.

The availability of the park in a few miles from the local community provides a perfect place where people could train their dogs. The optimal size of the dog park should be thirty-five acres, with a minimal of three divisions. That is for the big dogs, small dogs, and medium dogs. The big dogs and the small dogs will take the bigger proportions of the land.

In the site plan, I propose that the park should have concrete and grass land divisions. It is good practice for the dog park to have proper facilities for dog training. A proper water management system, separate bins for dog poops, along with poop bags should be available at the dog park site. These bins should be at least ten in number in a neighborhood park to avoid the reluctance of owner walking a long way to dispose the poop.

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The parking spots should be advanced to include the basement parking in order to accommodate more cars and avoid any traffic jams and crowdedness of the area that might create problems for other people.

The terrain should have enough trees and heat shelters all around to cover the dogs during extreme weather conditions and heat waves. Encouraging people to plant trees will make the environment more conducive for the dogs and people using the park.

The park should have a doctor or nurse to check the health of dogs, which will ensure dog owners that they can bring their dogs here and let them mix with others without any risk. The park should also ensure that the fence division is included to avoid the mix of dogs and keep each type of dog safe. It will also help in preventing children from being bitten by dogs from the park.

The dog parks have different benefits for the land users mainly the people residing close to these parks. They provide an environment where the owners can get information about local veterinarians, pet stores, groomers and referrals that are related to employment and housing. The local governments may also ask dog owners to help address issues such as pet overpopulation and park maintenance.

With all the positive impacts that are associated with dog parks, there are also the negative part of it. Dog parks are a major cause of noise pollution resulting from the large number of dogs that are hosted in the park and their continuous baking. Most dog parks have limited car parking space; therefore, forcing drivers to move around in circles as they try to look for a place to park their cars. The constant rotation of cars causes traffic jams and becomes a hinder for accessing the parks. The crowdedness causes loud noise through hooting.