The line “Diamond is eternal” is one of the most memorable commercials ever (Sullivan, 24). Frances Gerety invented the phrase for a De Beers-sponsored promotional campaign to revive diamonds’ declining fortunes in 1947. In reality, the advertisement was so effective that 8 out of 10 people who married in the 1950s used a diamond engagement ring. Since then, the firm has used the signature slogan heavily in its advertising campaigns in key markets. The slogan, which has become synonymous with passion, strength, and caring, is specifically aimed at men as the primary market. The ad suggests that men relieve the headache of proving their love to their women by purchasing a diamond engagement ring. In this regard, this paper explores how the false impression of love, as depicted in “Diamond is forever” advertisement, has been used to create demand for diamonds. In addition, the impact of this slogan on marriage is explored.
Ordinarily, love in a relationship is meant to come naturally. Meaning that people in love do not have to use material artifacts to prove their love. In this regard, the impression created by the “Diamond is forever” slogan is a falsehood meant to hoodwink society to believe that love can only be proved by the finest and most expensive material possession (diamond engagement ring). To reinforce this impression, television shows, movies, songs, and adverts have been created to indicate that diamond is a symbol of love. To create high value, the ad portrays a diamond ring as a rare precious item which lasts forever the way love is meant to be. Though it will take a two months’ salary for ordinary folks to purchase the ring, this price is portrayed as being insignificant compared to the “lasting value” one obtains from the transaction. As a result, the society has become accustomed to diamonds as a standard measure of love, power, and care, despite the cost of obtaining one and feeling of extravagance that comes afterward.
Though society has become accustomed to having diamonds as a symbol of love, there is a need for caution as overindulgence is not good. The tendency of women to develop a huge emotional attachment to diamonds is a concern as many tend to confuse the emotional affection of owning a sparkling diamond for true love. Caution should also prevail as women tend to have the habit of flashing the expensive gift, showing it off to friends without exactly appreciating the negative their part and friends who might lack one or have one of less quality.
Social arrogance in the manner which the society is another possible lasting effect that the slogan has created. Today, society has developed as a tendency of appraising the success of a wedding based on the material possessions such as having a diamond ring as being a must. As a result, the point of love, care, and good relationships is often mistakenly interpreted on the basis of having an expensive, flashy ring. Consequently, the society has been forced to bear the negative effect of overemphasis on materialism over true love. No wonder, we have so many divorce cases, and lack of the institution of marriage and family (Francis & Hugo, 1927).
Therefore, caution should prevail so as to avoid being carried away by the emotional attachment. Should be remembered that slogans such as “diamond is forever” and having one relives a headache are meant to create an emotional attachment to the product, so consumer keep buying.
Works cited
Francis‐Tan, Andrew, and Hugo M. Mialon. ““A Diamond Is Forever” And Other Fairy Tales:
The Relationship Between Wedding Expenses And Marriage Duration.” Economic Inquiry 53.4 (2015): 1919-1930.
Sullivan J. Courtney. Why ‘A Diamond Is Forever’ has lasted so long. The Washington Post.
Web. (2014). 27626c5ef5fb_story.html?utm_term=.cbd7a827d4b6
The False Impression of Love in “Diamond is Forever” Ad
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