Technology is becoming an increasingly important tool in all aspects of our lives. It has become a part of our studies both in and out of the classroom. The Internet is a tool that technology has provided to humans. The Internet makes it possible to obtain and share information virtually. The Internet has elevated online schools to major league status (Lewis et al. 14). To keep up with the times, almost every university has implemented online learning. Students were using the internet to study on their phones and laptops prior to the formal start of online classes. They used the internet to look up information for their assignment or to elaborate on what their professors had said in class. Online classes on the other side bring out a different form of learning. The teacher and the student are not in the same physical location; they may even be thousands of miles apart (Lewis et al. 34). The learning environment is a preset time and the course known. During the lesson, the teacher switches on the laptop and students likewise all in their respective places. The discussions go on over the internet, and even the exams done in a similar environment. Online writing continues to improve as the technology improves.
Thesis Statement
The research paper aims to understand online classes, how it works, its benefits and cons. Online classes are done virtually over the internet with the teacher and student not in the same physical location (Lewis et al. 34). For certain courses, it takes place on several times as per the requirements of the course. It takes the form of a normal class apart from the different location of the teacher and the student(s). It has been carried out in most parts of the world with great success. In fact, as we speak, most international universities have modules offered online. The first advantage of online classes is that they provide a cheap method of acquiring education. If for example, I want to acquire a degree from Oxford University in the UK, I would not need to travel overseas. It thus reduces flight costs, accommodation costs, and the school fees are low. Online classes provide an environment where there is free discussion of topics. The student just asks the question online, and the lecturer responds in the same medium. However, scholars still debate on the true benefit of online classes. They question the mode of carrying out experiments as the lecturer is not physically available to guide the students. They also poke questions to matters regarding submission of examinations and their credibility. Cheating in the examination is not easily detected, and it leads to self-inflated results. The paper analyzes this in depth to show the true nature of online learning as the new medium.
Online classes offer a serene environment for learning as both the teacher and students choose the best environment for them. Still, with the changing technology, we must appreciate that online training is here to stay and become better than it is now (Lewis et al. 56). With the entry level into universities and colleges increasing every day, online studies provide the alternative. Also, for employed people who want to further their education but are constrained by their work schedules, online studying provides the solution. Its flexibility allows people even to study more than one course at a time.
Counter Argument
However, we must not forget about the quality of education we are offering. In our clamor to conquer the universe, we must ensure our graduates are at par with the knowledge provided (Lewis et al. 67). Online classes should not be used just to acquire certificates, rather, must ensure students acquire knowledge and skills.
Work Cited
Lewis, Somer, A. Whiteside, and A. Garrett Dikkers. “Autonomy and responsibility: Online learning as a solution for at-risk high school students.” Journal of Distance Education (Online) 29.2 (2014): 1.
Technology is becoming increasingly important
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