Rise of Civilization and Culture

The essay discusses wild animal domestication. Species must have a variety of traits in order to be domesticated. Domestication cannot occur in the absence of those characteristics, just as it cannot occur in the absence of those characteristics in marriage, where their absence dooms the strength of creating a stable family. Cows, goats, and sheep are the most domesticated species. Humans and domesticated animals should marry in order to support each other by the supply of meat and milk for transportation purposes. Since it has the world’s largest landmass and is ecologically diverse, Eurasia leads in the domestication of wild animals.
What Point Did the Author Make?
The author of the article wants us to know about the rise and domestication of wild animals. There must be that connection between the human and the animal to be domesticated. For example, a dog is a wild animal and when domesticated, it provides man with security. He makes it clear that different parts of the world tame various wild animals and they have reasons for doing so.

What The Author Wants Us to Understand About the Rise and Civilization and Culture in World History

The origin of domestication of wild animals began in Eurasia. It has a significant number of endangered species besides being diverse ecologically with a lot of rainforests which serves as the habitat for wild animals. It also has marshes and vast tundras. African Sahara is the second with less tropical rainforests as compared to Eurasia.

Why Did Not Every Civilization and Culture Develop Along the Same Lines Concerning the Animal They Will Be Able to Domesticate and Use?

Example, Eurasians have pigs and not American peccaries, Mouflon sheep from Asia and not bighorn sheep from America. First, there are differences that favor livestock spread. Example Andes llama did not reach Meso-America due to the diet, growth rate, nasty disposition, or captive breeding problems.

How He Divided His Work into Several Parts as Discussed.

First, he makes us understand marriage. Marriage should overcome all odds to end up in a happy relationship just like the way domesticated animals should have a good rapport with their masters. It points out that the dominant domesticated animals are goats, pigs, cows, horses, and sheep. Fertilizers milk, meet, land transport, wools are among the things these animals provide the human being.

Domesticated animals vary from their old spices. They differ in height, color, hair, and development of fewer sense organs because they need not escape from their predators. A lot of species show a discrepancy with their ancestral species in terms of size. For instance, pigs, and cows are smaller when domesticated while others like guinea pigs become larger.

Eurasia has the highest number of domesticated animals due to its size of landmass; rainforests are extensive with a lot of candidate’s species. Africa and Australia have trouble in domesticating and accepting wild animals. There are problems related to their domestication like growth rate. Domesticates should multiply. Captive breeding problems like some animals do not like sex in public, just like the way human beings treasures their privacy during mating.

Nasty disposition. Naturally, domesticates possess that element of wildness. Pigs, horses, cattle, and camels have killed people. Some of the domesticates are much nastier and more dangerous than others. Tendencies of killings demotivate people from keeping animals.

Spread of Food Production

The main ones are Asia, Europe, Egypt, and Ethiopia. Food production is enriched by livestock crops, and additional skills from other sources of origin. Differences in incompleteness which suites livestock and crop spread resulting to spreading barriers that are either weaker or stronger. Herd varies from area to another. Similarly, transformation changes required for wild animals can lead to mutation. Animals adapt to latitudes features of climatic conditions. Like the way some human beings cannot stand winters, and some cannot stand tropical climates.


All civilian and culture did not domesticate wild animals’ example, Mexican domestic turkeys, and United States sunflower couldn’t survive in The Andes as a result of tropical climates. Secondly, the animals should be willing to do captivity breeding, but some cannot mate in full enclosures like antelopes. The third point is their nature of docility. Sheep and cows are known to be easy going unlike the African buffalo and bison from America that are unpredictably dangerous to people, leading the former pair to be domesticated and the latter to be left wild. Another point is that domestic animals don’t have tendencies to panic and escape when startled. It rules out deer which possesses flighty temperaments and leaping capabilities that enable escape. Although sheep fear, they maintain a herding instinct which leads them to flock together when panicked. Lastly, all domesticated animals believe in strong leadership with the exemption of cat making humans to readily recognize and modify them and making them acknowledge human being as their caretaker and lade.


Diamond, J. “Zebras, unhappy marriages, and the Anna Karenina principle.” Guns, germs, and steel. New York: WW Norton and Company. p (1999): 157-175.

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