Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

Monsanto has been in the farming industry for over a century, introducing genetically engineered seeds and pesticides to kill pests and weeds. Monsanto’s reputation, on the other hand, has been questioned, with several of its products, including genetically modified seeds, being seen as controversial. The author of this essay argues that Monsanto is at the root of all evils perpetrated against citizens, the environment, and the farming industry as a result of its monopoly establishment aimed at benefiting its owners.
To get his message across, the author uses a range of techniques. Monsanto’s activities, for example, are conveyed by a rhetorical stance. When explaining how the company denies the issue of using poisonous and environmentally unfriendly chemicals, he uses the question “Chemical? What chemicals?” (Barlett and Steele 37) Also, to reveal the extent of evil the company committed to its customers, the author tells about Joseph Mendelson, of the Centre for Food Safety. Mendelson confesses that “I don’t know of a company that chooses to sue its customer base” (Barlett and Steele 37) says” Another method used in the article is a historical approach. The author goes back to time even before world wars when Monsanto Company began. At that time, “a new company in Georgia named Coca-Cola” was Monsanto’s big customer. Finally, the author used a direct quotation to reveal the reaction, or stance of people on the effect the company has caused over the years. Finally, the author’s use of Monsanto Company can symbolically stand for all those businesses dominating various facets of lives and violate the environmental, human rights and industrial rules for their profits.
The purpose of using these methods is to reveal the way Monsanto business violates environmental, industrial and human rights standards in its quest for profit and power (monopoly).For one, the production of toxic chemicals and genetic modification deteriorate the environment as well interfering with the human immune system. Evidently, Monsanto produced chemicals such as the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Dioxin that is toxic to people and the environment (Barlett and Steele 47). The two chemicals have impacts on humans, as they are listed carcinogens although the manufacturer meant to influence the agricultural sector In Nitro plant positively, 226 workers were ill after an explosion while Anniston the area around Monsanto plant remains one of the most polluted spots in the U.S (Barlett and Steele 38-45). Also, the author uses the methods to reveal the power Monsanto Company had of the customers and other companies. Evidently, the company could even sue its customers for violating its patents.
In conclusion, the author has perfectly used quotations, rhetoric, and symbolism to reveal the nature of destruction and degradation Monsanto Company is responsible for in more almost a century. Although the original course of the business was good, the evolution of the business over the years has drifted away from that course. As a result, many innocent citizens have acquired diseases such as cancer while others died in factory events. The existing environmental resources have been poisoned due to the company’s selfish motives for monopoly and profits.

Work Cited
Barlett, Donald L., and James B. Steele. “Monsanto’s Cruel, And Dangerous, Monopolization on American Farming.” The Hive. N.p., 2008. Web. 20 May 2017.

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