Process of problem-solving

This is a hypothetical situation involving an entry-level IT Specialist who has worked for a company for seven years but is tired of the job and has applied for several jobs in the same industry but has not been called for an interview. He claims that none of his coworkers have been hired. The employee expects to be promoted based on his or her tenure at the company, not on their contributions and inputs. Tenure is no longer a primary factor in promotion decisions or job hiring in today’s business world. Therefore no matter how many years you have worked in a company that does not guarantee you promotion since considerations are made regarding how active they are in their current job positions (Proctor, 2013). Business promotion is communication with the public in an attempt to influence them toward buying of goods or other services hence the developments in a company happens directly or indirectly. Contribution to the business makes one eligible for the business promotion and how hard they work in the company.
Solving business problem: IT case scenario
The employee has worked in this company for more than seven years, but no promotion is taking place in this case. His fellow employees have not been called for the interview either. It is important to ask why this person is not considered for the job despite the extended period he has been working in that same company. The problems solving process helps us reduce a business uncertainty before taking any relevant action which could lead one to even losing their job entirely

Problem definition
In the case scenario, the problem is that the employee is not being taken for interviews nor getting hired for other jobs in the company. Often people get lost as they try to solve the problem in their head since the make the problem so big that it becomes like a tremendous burden. In this case, the employee writes down the problem forces that he or she thinks and they come up with ways on how to solve the problem. He is so concerned with his fellow employees’ interview for the job opportunities, but this is not the case with them since they are not complaining. It is essential to ensure that any problem outside the case should not be solved until you solve the one making you have the very most difficulties as you try to get the correct answers and solutions for the same.
Problem analysis
It is essential to check the current business situation and what is involved in making it a problem. You should ask yourself if the existing business products and services are of any benefit to the company and how they are influencing the problem-solving process. Since in an IT company all jobs are likely to be computerized, job hiring and promotion may not take place that often. The employee has worked for several years has the highest chances of a job promotion. Therefore, it is important to ask oneself why am not being taken for job promotions? What are the problems associated with my case? The employee has the fear to apply for the position coming up in the business because he feels that still he will not be taken for the job. It is necessary that he takes the chance and apply for the position because that could be his chance of getting hired since he has shown a lot of patience in the company.

Generate possible solutions
Once you discover the real problem, you want to solve and investigate the climate into which your answer fits, generating some possible solutions to help solve your problem. Have as many solutions as possible and try not to evaluate them all. In the case scenario, the employee should not pre-judge any potential solutions but treat each idea as a new idea with its right and worthy of consideration. Therefore, he should come up with solutions for this problem and know why his interview does not take place every time he applies for a job.
Develop course of action
Once the problem is identified and enough information gathered, it is vital to develop next course of action with possible solutions. As one analysis the issue all they are aspiring is to change the problem. Think of as many “what ifs” and prepare them for your solutions. “Brainstorming” is an important technique that helps many people suggest solutions for a problem. From the case scenario, the employee has the right to apply for the position in the company with the hope that he will be hired. He should take action on the matter and report the issue to the department so that he can have the idea of what they think about him working in the business.
Analyze and compare the courses of action
Each action taken has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it essential to objectively and logically analyze them all for not making the problem even worse. It is crucial to choose the action course that has the list disadvantages to help in your mission (Adair, 2010). The employee in this case after gathering his course of action, he or she could seek help from other employees to strengthen his case presentation. It is essential to start with the other fellow departmental employees and then forward your case to the top managerial for interpretation. He or she should involve the subordinates since they are likely to support the plan and help in decision making.
Make a decision
Consideration of intuitions and emotions is significant in problem-solving because coming up with a decision is not a mathematical formula. The human mind does not work very well if under stress and therefore a right choice is crucial to avoid psychological effects on the cognitive brain part. A decision should not be made based on the emotional feelings of the person which this results in severe disasters. It is essential as an employee to think critically and make choices and have constraints about your problem. The employee, in this case, should apply for the job and talk to the top manager regarding his promotion despite him having worked in that company. They should explain to him what is expected of him and what he does wrong, so that he may change and increase his hire chances of promotion. He should not make a decision based on the years he has worked in the company, but on he wants to improve the business for its benefits.
Implementation and reflection the decision made
After making a decision, have a plan and then get ready to act. In this step, the desire is usually to achieve the best results from your problem presented. The importance of this is to seek any possible feedback on how your plan is progressing with the feedbacks coming from your subordinates; this is where you determine if your stated problem was well defined. Take necessary actions to correct your problem. In this case scenario, the employee should present his case views to the top managerial and be ready in case any work needs action taking. Mental flexibility is vital in this final step of decision making.
Satisfied employees are influential, and they exert enormous effort in businesses so as to see it run well. It is vital to communicate if you feel you are not comfortable in your job area so that the problems you have are well solved. Goals should be set for employees for them to notice what is expected of them hence, they can work under minimal supervision. Implemented skills are essential so that an employee gets to know when they are not at ease in the job position and dare to face the top managers if this happens. Successful employees work hard always to accomplish their missions as employees and have objectives to maintain high standards of performance.

Proctor, T., (2013). Creative Problem Solving for Managers: Developing Skills for Decision Making and Innovation. Psychology Press.291. Print. Retrieved from:
Adair, J., (2010).Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies. Kogan Page Publishers. 104. Print. Retrieved from:

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