Podcast from Mike Duggan

Mike Duggan is Detroit’s mayor who stood up during elections against prominent candidates in Detroit City, including State Sen. Coleman Young II. Duggan managed to win the election for the lot of work he is doing in reviving the city that appeared to be failing with all the streets covered by empty buildings and graffiti. It was incredible that the richest city in the USA split up in 1960. In the end, the city wanted a rescuer who would have been Duggan (Politico, 2017). Duggan began his tenure by installing street lights all over to beef up security in the region, leveraging companies in the city to initiate tax breaks and creating new job opportunities which have seen more than 20,000 new Detroiters being employed. Duggan also enacted housing policies which preventing landlords from pushing tenants out of their households in scenarios where they did not submit rents in time (Politico, 2017).

Duggan is on a recovery mission to bring back Detroit’s lost glory, and Detroiters seem to see this, that is why in a city with 83% Africans and Duggan being white, he still manages to win elections at a flawless margin (Politico, 2017).

My most favourite part of Duggan’s podcast is where he says that “every neighbourhood has a future”, the statement expounds how much Duggan is envisioned to develop all neighbourhoods in the city he governs. I would share this podcast with leaders in all positions to challenge them to deliver required services to all regions they are accustomed to with no favours (Politico, 2017).


Duggan’s podcast is one that sheds light on leaders who work for the people to make sure the roles the people give them are delivered effectively. Duggan is a revolutionary leader who should be embraced by other leaders as he has proved to be competent (Philip, 2017).



Tetlock, P. E. (2017). Expert political judgment: How good is it? How can we know?. Princeton University Press.

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