Memory Failure and its impact on humans

The talk of the day after the time of the memorial was memory loss. In an effort to find out what causes it and to what degree one can experience memory loss, memory loss has triggered the start of several forms of study. Nevertheless, scientists have promised to find the solution that can save humanity from such trouble. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to concentrate intensively on the consequences to be placed in place of memory loss, triggers and remedies. A survey was conducted to three categories of people; children under the age of nine, youths under the age of 30 and adults. It was indicated that all the victims suffered from a condition called amnesia. More so, every individual had same symptoms. The signs included failure to recall previous events; the condition was caused by a failure in the long term memory to retrieve a chain of events that had taken place.

According to Bailey, Bell, & Blackburn, (2017), victims of memory loss can’t connect the past with the current. Hence, they experience a problem of making informed decisions. However, other body functions like speech delivery are not affected. Basing on Doğan, Tüfekçioğlu, & Er, (2014) arguments, we note that there exists four forms of amnesia; Retrograde amnesia, anterograde, infantile and transient global amnesia. Unlike the other two, the retrograde form erases the real memories. Memories from childhood may be lost completely from our minds. Contrary to retrograde, anterograde amnesia impairs formation of new memories. However, the anterograde form may be driven by personal behavior such as drunkards. Alcohol affects part of the brain called hippocampus which can make new memories in the form of reasonable judgment. However, this loss of memory is temporary, but sometimes it might be permanent depending on the extent of damage to the brain. Pressman, (2013) articulates that transient global amnesia depicts confusion behaviors in victims. One may lose memory before the actual event. Further research by (Talmi, Caplan, Richards, & Moscovitch, 2015), points out that it may be caused by the failure of blood supply to the brain. Infantile amnesia is another loss of memory condition characterized by loss of the next words in the sentence formation. Therefore, before dealing with any memory loss condition, identification of the type of memory loss becomes a vital element.

Basing on Harvey, Kneller, & Campbell, (2013) findings, loss of memory can be caused by alcohol, head injuries, damage to the hippocampus, trauma or stress, electroconvulsive therapy and a condition called axonia. Rozsa, Ford, & Flicker, (2016) argues that lack of enough oxygen supply to the brain may lead to memory loss. Inadequate oxygen might be as a result of less blood flow to the brain. The condition is referred to as axonia. More research by Rozsa, Ford, & Flicker, (2016), indicates that injuries to the head can cause temporary or permanent brain loss to the victim. His research suggests that memories of hours and daily activities are majorly affected. Therefore, it’s important to avoid obvious causative agents of memory loss such as alcohol. We should also avoid activities that may cause head damages.


The survey was conducted by the members of the public involving kids, youth, and adults with a minimum age of 50 years. The list included ten kids under the age of nine, ten youths under the age of thirty and ten adults of age between 45 and 50 years. In every group, five people with memory loss conditions were sampled out to be used as the subject while the rest to be used as the control test. The survey took a period of one day.


The six current groups after sampling were subjected to various tests. First, four groups consisting youths and adults were asked to narrate their childhood memories. Secondly, all the six groups were told to read a short story in a book about U.S president. Also, some of the adults who were normal were given a speech to read. Immediately, the adults were allowed to drink alcohol after which they had to address the rest concerning the statement they had read. The same test was administered to the remaining group of adults. Also, a group of five children who were normal were subjected to stressful conditions that drove them to be traumatized after which they were told to recite the short story about the U.S president. The principal purpose of the whole scenario was to uncover some of the leading causes of memory loss to formulate ways of dealing with the situation.


After the groups had been subjected to the tests, the following trends were observed. First, kids who had been subjected to stressful conditions could not recite the story as they had done before. Their failure gave a clear answer as to how stress and trauma can cause memory loss. It was also observed that two drunken adults could not recall the speech they had read. Out of struggles, they failed. Another justification that alcohol may cause damage to the brain was concluded. Another important argument got an approval. The argument was about how age affects memory. This was observed when affected youth could remember some of their childhood memories. The contrary happened to affected adults could not remember their childhood memories. The age had caused permanent memory loss. Therefore, some of the findings indicated that memory loss could be prevented.


Memory loss does not discriminate age but can be prevented. The condition only affects the state of mind. Although the research had to fish out some essential elements that contribute to memory loss, some of the practices are still taking place. These include drinking habits, individuals engaging in activities that damage their heads like fighting and exposing kids to stressful situations. Therefore, a lot need to be done to address this problem to find a long lasting solution.


Bailey, C., Bell, S., & Blackburn, D. (2017). How the UK describes functional memory symptoms. Psychogeriatrics.

Doğan, M., Tüfekçioğlu, A., & Er, N. (2014). The Impact of Early Intervention on Cognitive Performances of Children with Typical Development and with Hearing Loss: Working Memory and Short Term Memory. International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education, 5(8646).

Pressman, M. (2013). Sleepwalking, Amnesia, Comorbid Conditions and Triggers: Effects of Recall and Other Methodological Biases. SLEEP.

Rozsa, M., Ford, A., & Flicker, L. (2016).. Assessing people with dementia: the role of the aged care assessment team and memory clinics. Internal Medicine Journal, 46(9), 1081-1088.


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