Animal Research: Is it worth it?

In today’s culture, there is a greater willingness to understand different diseases that affect humans, which has resulted in increased medical research in both government and private laboratories. Understanding the aetiology of a disease, its consequences, and eventually treatment options are all part of this phase. Throughout these stages, an animal is needed as a test subject, sparking a contentious debate over whether it is necessary to sacrifice an animal’s life in order to save human lives. To others, as long as humans are benefiting, the life of an animal is unimportant but according to animal activists animal life matters and there should be a regulation on the animals used in research (Conn and Parker). This paper delves into the issue of animal and medical research: the problems that surround the phenomenon
According to the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, it strived to advocate for acceptable treatment of animals including those used in research (Knight). This acts, however, exempts animals like bred mice, birds, rats, farm animals and cold-blooded animals. That depicts only a small percentage of animals that are protected by the act. More than 25 million animals have been used for research, and due to lack of protection, they are mistreated. The case is different in universities and medical colleges where they have their self-restricted methods on how they treat research animals.
In America, the Humane Society opposed the use of animals for research purposes, and they were strict primarily on the use of non-primates. It is true that the number of cats and dogs used has reduced, but the usage of rodents is still rampant in the medical field. The public reactions towards the issue show mixed misconceptions and facts (Knight). Some oppose the idea due to disposal procedure after the labs have used the animals while others oppose as they see it as a cruel act.
In conclusion, it is the first gesture for the scientist to come up with cures for the diseases affecting the human race, but there should be a limit on how animals are used as test subjects. Some of the animals are used and later euthanized as they cannot retrieve their initial status. There should be mechanisms like an antidote to dilute the effect of any drug tested on an animal, and that will save the life of the animal subject.

Works Cited
Conn, P. Michael and James V. Parker. “The animal research war.” The FASEB Journal 16.3 (2008): 1294-129.
Franco, Nuno Henrique. “Animal Experiments in Biomedical Research: A Historical Perspective.” Animals 3 (2013): 238-273. Print.
Knight, Andrew. “Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments.” Altex Proceedings. Altex Proceedings: Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics,, 2013. 289-294. Online.

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