Is it true that wearing a school uniform improves student behavior and academic performance?

The wearing of school uniforms contributes to the enhancement of student behavior and academics by reducing disruptions. The dress code, in particular, has been shown to construct a conducive learning atmosphere with little disturbances. Furthermore, young men are capable of well grooming themselves. It is important to remember that most male students have to wear a tie to school. Similarly, wearing school uniforms is one way that boys are allowed to tie belts. On the other hand, females learn the significance of wearing dresses and skirts with the ideal length whenever the school dress code has made it a must. Lastly, apart from giving the pupils a distinguished look, wearing uniforms prepares the young generation for what is awaiting them in future at their place of work. Therefore, instituting regulations that require students to wear a uniform helps to foster discipline in school which yields an improvement in academics and overall behavior.

Does Wearing School Uniform Improve Student Behavior and Academics


Less Distraction

Over the years, most learning institutions across the world have used dress codes to instill discipline in students. Uniforms guide the teachers in telling the dispositions held by their students. The fact that these dress codes indicate affiliation, pride, and loyalty means that there are fewer distractions for tutors to focus on. On the other hand, wearing of uniforms has enabled teachers in the United States to differentiate their pupils from counter-gangs and other undesirable practices (Brunsma, 2006). In particular, the advantaged social groups are popularly known for coming up with gray khaki trousers and Oxford shirts as a way of simplifying the process of identifying a student. Similarly, the dress code has put an end to the kind of family a student comes from and thereby creating fewer distractions for the pupils. Hence, most of the learning institutions have adopted wearing of uniforms primarily because of this reason.

Grooming Appropriately Among Young Men

Whenever the decision on what to wear to school is vested in young male students, they might decide to put on clothes that do not conform to the choice of their parents or teachers. Besides, these pupils can push the limits and wear clothes with inappropriate slogans. For this reason, adopting a dress code for students and in particular boys will enable them to learn how to wear ties and belts (Hanushek & Raymond, 2005). It is important to note that a uniform policy that entails wearing a tie makes the students look sharp. Therefore, this boosts their confidence level and how other people perceive them. On the other hand, wearing a tie gives students the look of an organized and disciplined person. Hence, this goes a long way in improving their behavior which subsequently leads to good performance in academics.

Proper Length of Skirts and Dresses and Good Academic Performance

The appropriate skirt and dress length have been an issue for many years. In particular, this matter has become of concern amongst teachers and parents. Most of the schools in England have adopted presentable skirts as uniforms since the shorter ones prove problematic when climbing stairs and sitting down. Besides, female students feel uneasy when wearing short dresses and skirts in the presence of males (Hanushek & Raymond, 2005). It is important to note that uniforms are not only worn while in school but also outside the institution’s premises. For this reason, to portray good behavior by the students, they should wear skirts of an appropriate length. Hence, the good behavior brought about by wearing decent dresses, and skirts ultimately lead to good academic performance.

Preparing Students for the Workforce

School uniforms assist in preparing students to join the workforce. It is important to note that the institutions that have adopted this policy ensure that pupils operate within the set regulations. Besides, having the same dress code promotes equality which is very important in the work environment. On the other hand, some professions require their workforce to be in uniform (Hanushek & Raymond, 2005). Therefore, students are prepared to meet the expectations of their employers in the future. Similarly, wearing of uniforms within learning institutions does not only make the learning process efficient but also facilitates obedience and conformity.


Wearing of school uniforms has seen an improvement in student behavior and academics since there have been reduced incidences of indiscipline cases. The primary reason for this is because all students form a unified school and thereby they are in a good position to take part in the school building. On the other hand, these students having fewer distractions will dedicate more time to studies and not their clothes. Similarly, what will be of concern is not their looks in the mirror but rather the scores they get related to schoolwork. The teaching staff will find it easy to know who the intruders are and therefore deterring them from accessing the school. Besides, there will be no cases of trouble which promotes a favorable environment for students to learn.

The kind of clothing pupils wear determines how they feel while at school. For this reason, putting on school uniforms enables them to perform better as they consider it as the right clothing for them to excel in their tests (Brunsma, 2006). In particular, tucking in their shirts and putting on ties gives them the impression that they have the capability to do well in school. Hence, they experience a halo effect where they assume that they have the qualities needed for one to succeed owing to their dress code.

Introducing a school uniform policy aims at minimizing the time spent on handling infringement of the set regulations. For this reason, closing this gap means that most of the female students will abide by the set dress code and dedicate more of their time to learning. On the other hand, students punished for breaching the uniform policy lose most of the time away from class performing their assigned punishments (DaCosta, 2006). Some schools even set aside rooms where female students wearing short skirts stay in isolation and these spaces are paid for by the school administration. However, such amounts could be put to good use by hiring additional tutors. The minimal instances of female students wearing short skirts mean that resources will be well allocated to yield better academic results.

Education aims at enriching students with useful knowledge. Further, schools that have adopted the uniform policy ensure their students dress smartly and are proud of themselves. On the other hand, the need for male students to wear ties and females to put on dresses and skirts with an appropriate length prepares them on how to conduct themselves in the professional setting.


The argument on making it mandatory for all students to wear uniforms and thereby leading to an improvement in academics and behavior since is rational. Owing to the fact that there are fewer distractions, those planning to cause problems are easily identifiable. Further, the students will feel safe in this environment making them concentrate on their studies. However, the uniform worn by students should not limit them when it comes to expressing themselves but rather promote an interest in learning. According to Brunsma, the research he conducted in Missouri showed that there were 50 percent fewer cases of crime and violence in schools that required students to wear uniforms compared to those that do not (Brunsma, 2006).

Lookism theory suggests that physical attractiveness plays a significant role in receiving desirable outcomes. Neat-looking students who wear ties and belts tend to score better grades as this keeps them away from taking part in activities such as partying and substance abuse (DaCosta, 2006). However, there is no threshold for attractiveness or neatness which means that abiding by the school uniform policy will promote discipline among boys. Their absence from such activities means that they will commit more time to studying leading to an improvement in behavior.

Adopting a uniform policy that requires female students to wear skirts and dresses of appropriate length aims at reducing competition amongst pupils. Besides, the move to introduce this regulation will result in improved academic performance. Similarly, by ensuring female students wear dresses of appropriate length will show a good image to the neighboring communities. Therefore, this will breed good behavior among the students.

Schools have the responsibility of raising well-informed students. Apart from imparting pupils with knowledge, these institutions need to prepare these students for the future. The uniform policy promotes good behavior and performance among students paving the way for them to join their careers of choice.


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is one of the organizations that have come forth to oppose the wearing of school uniforms (Brunsma, 2006). They propose that the clothing by the students should be their choice. Whereas others consider the uniform policy as a means of creating fewer distractions, ACLU considers this as a violation of their right of expression. It is vital to take into consideration the classroom size before deciding to implement a uniform policy. Hence, adopting a dress code by schools is only appropriate for crowed classes.

Adopting a school uniform policy has increased in suspension cases. In particular, most male pupils face the wrath of the school administration whenever they are found without their neckties. The perceptions of teachers regarding students who do not follow the regulations as stipulated by the uniform policy have led to this challenge. For this reason, wearing of ties and belts by male students as part of the school uniform has adversely affected academic performance.

The introduction of school uniforms that require female students to wear dresses and skirts means that teachers have more responsibilities to play. However, some schools become too fixated to these regulations and therefore spend little time on studies. Therefore, this exposes the students to a bigger risk as schools might regulate the dress code while attaining little in terms of academics. Besides, the Department of Education has insisted that the dress code issue lies solely in the choice of students.

It is important to note that work does not only take place in factories and offices. For this reason, some employers do not make it mandatory for their workers to be in a given attire, Besides, their focus lies mainly in the performance of these individuals (DaCosta, 2006). On the other hand, technological advances have seen most organizations encourage their employees to work from home. For this reason, adopting a dress code in schools does not significantly prepare students for the future since the work environment is quickly changing.


The adoption of dress codes has put an end to the kind of family students come from and thereby creating fewer distractions for the pupils. Hence, most of the learning institutions have adopted wearing of uniforms. Secondly, wearing a tie gives male students the look of an organized and disciplined person. Hence, this goes a long way in improving their behavior which subsequently leads to good performance in academics. Regarding female students, portraying good behavior requires them to wear skirts of an appropriate length. Hence, the good behavior brought about by wearing decent dresses, and skirts ultimately lead to good scores in their studies. Lastly, students are prepared to meet the expectations of their employers in the future by introducing a uniform policy. Similarly, such policies within learning institutions do not only make the learning process efficient but also facilitates obedience and conformity.


Brunsma, D. L. (2006). School uniform policies in public schools. PRINCIPAL-ARLINGTON-, 85(3), 50.

DaCosta, K. (2006). Dress code blues: An exploration of urban students’ reactions to a public high school uniform policy. The Journal of Negro Education, 49-59.

Hanushek, E. A., & Raymond, M. E. (2005). Does school accountability lead to improved student performance?. Journal of policy analysis and management, 24(2), 297-327.

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