Fear of Change or Unwillingness to Change

Change is a constant occurrence in life and being able to embrace this fact ensures an acceptance to whatever is ahead with open arms. Individuals, who are afraid to change or are unwilling to, end up having a frustrating life because change is inevitable. On my journey to becoming a critical thinker, I am learning to embrace change and the beauty that comes with it. Although it is still an obstacle, preventing me from being “the” critical thinker I want to be. Confronting it and learning how to overcome is crucial in bettering me in my journey.

Fear is an irrational feeling that hinders progress in every aspect of life because it brings about feelings of inferiority and insecurities. I recognize fear of change or unwillingness to change as my greatest obstacle as a critical thinker because of the comfort that comes with routine. Routine thoughts that things only ought to be as they are and if there were any change it would mess everything up. The thought that allowing my thinking to change will mean that I have been wrong all along, not wanting to accept that there is a possibility that I was wrong contributes to this fear. Allowing change brings about the acceptance that there was an inadequacy in my prior thinking in my opinion. Allowing myself to identify with this as a hindrance to my critical thinking is a step in the right direction.

I have learned that for me to be able to move forward in decision-making, analyzing of situations and proper judgment I have to embrace change in my thinking. Different individuals have different ways of understanding and explaining issues. Critical thinking allows accepting others ideas regardless of whether or not they are the same as yours. Curiosity about others opinions and entertaining their point of view will lead a person having a broad understanding of whatever it is being questioned or analyzed (Chaffee 310). Inviting other peoples’ ideas is part of my plan for improving my critical thinking. Consequently, accepting that other individuals can have different points of view from mine but still be on the same trail of thoughts as I am is a major way of overcoming my fear of change.

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Stuffing others with my ideas without having proper proof of what it is I am saying is a turn-off. I am learning to find evidence of things before imposing my beliefs on others and expecting them to accept them. Fear that my beliefs may be false or at times farfetched has led me to keep away from finding evidence, but for me to be a critical thinker, I have to accept this.

Additionally, it does not hurt to be open minded about having ideas that are lacking in depth or unchangeable can in some way hinder you from discovering the truth. For instance, the perception that good athletes are poor students has been there for long when in the real sense that is a generalization that is false (Chafee 311). It would take an open mind to want to know the truth and research and discover that athletes, although not all have excelled academically, some happen to be excellent students who just happen to have talent, and this is one way of uncovering this truth.

Consequently, being able to think critically will awaken the leader in me. When people notice this development in my analytical and critical way of thinking, they will be able to trust my opinions because they are not from a biased point of view. Equally, accepting others opinions and even being willing to discuss with them and exchange ideas will improve accuracy in noting relevancy in issues or lack (Cottrell 45). It is important to allow the people who are around me to be comfortable in my presence, letting them know that their thoughts are heard and accepted as much as my own. Observation of my environment has become part of my plan to enhance my critical thinking.

It may be in an argument or a decision-making process, nevertheless observing before deciding my response is a key. Matured critical thinkers are quick to note a poor argument without having known the subject (Cottrell 56). This usually involves having exercised discernment. Equally, I have realized that when I allow myself to think critically, I am more creative and that form of creativity thrives when we allow different ideas and opinions (Lau 11).

The realization that critical thinking is not accepting that I am wrong but knowing that there is usually more to something that one person’s idea, this has built my zeal to find out more. The fear of change has diminished in me because I am willing to know more and understand different points of view. Eventually, this will enable me to have vast knowledge and proper decision-making skills. People should embrace change because it comes provides the opportunity to learn new things and lead to personal development. Overall, individuals who wish to enhance their creativity should understand that accepting change would not make them any inferior. Instead, it will offer them an opportunity to become better analyzers in the future.


Works Cited

Chaffee, John. Critical Thinking Thoughtful Writing. Cengage Learning, 2014.

Cottrell, Stella. Critical Thinking Skills Developing Effective Analysis and Argument. Macmillan Publishers, 2011.

Lau, Y. J. Joe. An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity Think More Think Better. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.