Customer’s Happiness

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, devised a three-pronged rhetorical persuasion method. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are examples of these. Each one demonstrates how to convince an audience to agree with one’s opinions, sentences, emotions, and acts (Kluger). Pathos is emotional influence, and logos is logical appeal. Ethos is reputation-based persuasion, pathos is emotional influence, and logos is logical appeal. Every human being, according to Kluger, is endowed with happiness-seeking impulses. Businesses have mastered the art of tapping into these pursuits in today’s world by incorporating happiness into business models (McCarthy). This study will analyze the way business models appeal to a customer’s chase for happiness by critically examining Publix Wedding Story and McDonalds Happy commercials.
Publix Wedding Story
Publix is a wholly employee-owned American supermarket chain with its headquarters in Lakeland, Florida. In its wedding story commercial, the chain associate shopping in its outlets to the pleasure that comes with that moment when one is celebrating love, in particular through a wedding. Happy moments do not just come as a coincidence. They are a product of the very many little periods a people journey through together leading to a time of grand happiness (Brooks). The advertisement employs a pathos technique of persuasion. Its audience is treated to an emotional enticement of pleasure that is comparable to that which is experienced during a wedding or commemoration of love.
Brook says that the company has done a lot of markets and at the moment they are working so hard to create and sustain their reputation in the endeavor of providing catering services hence blow away their clients they can obtain a direct response from the customers. However, the most difficult part is the attempt to inform the potential customers regarding what the company does. Nonetheless, Publix offers a lot of other services that most people do not know, such as cooking classes in the market which are situated in locations such as Boca Raton, Plantation among other locations. All the evidence hence points out that Publix seems to be the very first to get in the market which is very competitive as revealed by web search that over five hundred providers fight for the same market.

McDonalds Happy Meal
The happy meal commercial primarily targets children and their parents. It gives a sense of togetherness in a family as result of having happy children. McDonald claims that selling happiness in any of the happy meal boxes seem to be found in reality. Studies show that consumption of fast food together with fizzy drinks is not healthy especially for children. It has been connected to obesity but brings happiness to children (Kluger). A Happy Meal is a powerful emotional persuasion that targets the ecstasy in children.
One of the most flourishing approaches that are used in MacDonald’s promotion is the manner in which they do slip in a toy in the company’s most famous Happy Meals. Thus, when children attain the age at which all that they need is a portioned meal, for instance, happy meal, to overcome their quest for meals, they as well tend to be at the peak of needing such items like toys which are found in Happy Meals. However, the toys alone actually appear not to be motivating factors to make a child ask his or her parents bring them Happy Meals. Therefore, there are a lot of factors coupled with the latter that act as motivators to attract young consumers of McDonald’s Happy Meal.
Similarities between McDonald Happy Meal and Publix Wedding Story
The two commercials apply the concept of pathos that catches the emotions of the target audience. Studies published in the Journal of Happiness Studies have drawn a positive correlation between happiness and consumption of emotionally attractive products as a result of promotions that are attached to a sensitive effect. The two advertisement also avoid the concept of logos, that is, application of logic and verified evidence. For instance, Happy Meal is mostly junk food that has a scientific proof outlining its capacity to increase the risk of suffering from obesity. Happiness in this situation beats logic (McCarthy). Publix ignores the fact that not all love episodes have a happy ending. The two also fail to demonstrate the meaning of true happiness which is life satisfaction and meaning (Wellness).
Differences between Happy Meal and Publix Wedding Story
A key notable difference is the target audience. Happy Meal focuses on children with a promise of making them satisfied with a treat of a delicious meal whereas Publix is keen on attracting young adults especially those in who are in their marriage stage. It promises them ultimate happiness by being part and parcel of their special milestone in their relationship.
Brooks argues that love is a function of genes, value, and events. He further suggests that not everything that claims to bring happiness has the potential to do so.

Works Cited
Brook, Arthur C. “A Formula for Happiness.” The New York Times, 14 Dec. 2013,
Kluger, Jeffrey. “The Happiness of Pursuit.” Time, Time Inc., 8 July 2013,,9171,2146449,00.html#ixzz2XQdpg5En.
MCCARTHY, JEREMY. PSYCHOLOGY OF SPAS AND WELLBEING: a guide to the science of holistic healing. CREATESPACE, 2013.
Wellness, Berkeley. Happiness Research: What Makes You Happy? 9 Nov. 2015,

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