Bias Evaluation of Children Literature

Kids enjoy reading film literature. However, various children’s literature shows various attitudes reflected in these materials. In these literary materials there may be types of partiality because a particular viewpoint, individual or community may prefer such content. Bias can only accept facts from a one point of view and may be an opinion of an individual or the public at large. Therefore, children’s literature needs to be analyzed, and children need to be told what they can find in the content to make sure that it is ready for the expressed views. Discussion
Bias is evident in form content, language and examples used in a bigger number of children’s books according to a research done by Jett-Simpson & Masland (1993). There are gender issues in Catherine Condie’s book, whirl of the wind. The male figures have dominated superior characters of the book. The illustrations in the book have portrayed the female gender as weaker people who cannot protect themselves unless the male come in to assist them. In the storyline of the book there is a good balance of ideas and characters are brought out in a more ideal way. However, success in problem resolution entirely lies on specific characters that are deemed much stronger than others.

Relationship between whites and black skinned people is a major concern. Third world children are constantly bombarded with ideas that there is only a given race that is capable of carrying out given tasks. There is only one black character against a superior number of whites in the whole story. This kind of stereotypes does not allow a reader to appreciate diversity that exist in all groups.

Lifestyle issues are not properly addressed. The book has a number of invisible characters like single parents and people living in rural setup. This denies children an affirmative sense of themselves and inserts prejudice to them. The lifestyle between people with disabilities and low income earners is brought to question. They are depicted as people who cannot stand on their own and are given passive roles while the rich are given superior roles. The minority live in informal setups while the rich stay in high end estates.

In another book, through grandpa’s eyes by McLachlan Patricia, violent images are sent to readers as John tries to help his grandfather. They are not treated with passion like normal people should. His blindness compels John to act as if it were him and protects him. John is a minor but he becomes a hero to his grandfather even from the situations they find themselves in.

The ideas in children literature as stated above have varied effects on children who read the stories. Some norms established in the stories may limit a child from in his or her aspirations and self-concepts. Third world countries’ children that have continuously bombarded with white color superiority as the ultimate beauty, cleanliness and virtue has conditioned them to see their dark skin as evil, dirt and menacing. Catherine Condie’s Whirl of the wind reinforces traditional color themes that white is pure while black is also does not depict the male and female gender as equal and thus does not bring an equal reasoning among your readers.

The illustrator’s background states that, born in Cambridge, UK, Catherine Condie trained as a business linguist. Her first job was in corporate communications and public relations, where she progressed as an in-house writer and magazine editor in the science community. The themes in her story mix up from the minority and superior social settings. It is no surprise that she is insensitive of the equality and diversity among all social backgrounds.

The direction of the author’s perspective through her arguments weakens her work value as a single common ethnocentric and patriarchy perspective has dominated her work. However, her sensitivity towards loaded words is plausible. She uses gender sensitive words such as ancestors instead of forefathers while referring to her family lineage. The book’s copyright is dated 2009. The views expressed are more current and a reflection of today’s pluralistic society.


Catherine Condie’s book is culturally destructive. It expresses views that are uncommon to the minority consumers of such literature material. There are certain cultures that have been portrayed as more superior to others while other lifestyles have also been depicted as superior to others. There are also stereotypes expressed that relate to cultural incapacity. The black boy is depicted as less intelligent to his white friends. Women are seen not to be as good as men in executing some missions. Her work fails to recognize cultural diversity, gender equality and acceptance of people with disability and as such her book is bias to the basic equality and tolerance principles in the society today.

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