Toxins are disease-causing components that have a variety of effects on human wellbeing. Formaldehyde, chloroform, and TCCD are the most common poisons. These chemicals have both short-term and long-term impacts on public health. Respiratory problems, asthma, diabetes, and neuropsychological dysfunction are some of the obvious illnesses. These conditions are not only difficult to treat, but they are also potentially fatal. In this situation, exposed persons should take proper precautions to minimize radiation. The problem at hand is preventing inhalation or even ingestion, which is particularly important in the case of TCCD. The highest risks associated with environmental toxins revolve around terminal ailments, as well as organ malfunction. To be precise, any toxin that causes harm to organs should be avoided since it interferes with the standard body functionality. Also, the toxins long-term effects should be avoided by changing lifestyles since unnecessary suffering can be experienced. In cases where the human body can get rid of toxins with ease, then the victims can be assured of a good life.
The Worst Toxin
Toxins can be termed as poisonous substances that harm human health by interfering with sensitive biological systems. Due to this aspect, people are advised to minimize exposures appropriately. The most severe toxins entail Formaldehyde, Trichloromethane (chloroform), and the 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCCD). These toxins pose numerous adverse effects on the human body, hence the need for proper handling. Precisely, the toxins showcase both long and short-term effects that are life threatening.
Acute Damage to the Body
Among the three toxins, Formaldehyde stands out as the most toxic substance based on its short-term effects. For instance, inhaling it even in small quantities brings forth pneumonia and bronchitis. Its presence in the body also enhances gastritis, a condition that affects many people adversely (Velagapudi, Kumar, & Saripalli, 2017). Furthermore, formaldehyde damages intestines, facilitates skin irritation and vision disorder. The worst effect of this toxin is myeloid leukemia, a condition that is highly fatal.
Toxin Posing Long-term Risk to the Body
By focusing on long-term effects, TCCD showcases numerous effects on the human body. The TCCD has a high chemical stability that enables it to remain in the body for long. After being absorbed by fatty tissues, they can stay in the body between seven and eleven years. This toxin causes diseases such as diabetes, ocular vascular changes, hypertension, and neuropsychological impairment (Maqbool, Mostafalou, Bahadar, & Abdollahi, 2016). Although the victims can live for long with these conditions, fatalities are high based on the bodys strength. In this case, TCCD can cause various diseases after prolonged exposure.
Effects of Human Body Absorption, Processing, and Elimination on Toxicity Evaluation
Since TCCDs are found in the food chain, especially meat and dairy products, they are easily absorbed by human fatty tissues after consumption. TCCD elimination occurs through breast milk, faeces, and epidermal lipids. Thus its toxicity remains to be a long-term issue since these mechanisms only eliminate the toxin in limited amounts (Bass, Engel, Greytak, & Moore, 2014). Thus, the toxicity is not severe in the short-term due to the usual elimination processes of the human body.
How Minimizing Environmental Exposure Affects Toxicity Evaluation
Minimizing exposure to TCCD is easier compared to the other toxins that are found in the environment. Some of the preventive measures entail avoiding the consumption of animal products and eating organic fruits and vegetables (Babayemi, Ogundiran, & Osibanjo, 2016). This aspect creates the impression that TCCDs toxicity can be evaded with ease, thereby avoiding its long-term effects. Thus, its toxicity is manageable if people can access the right foods and lifestyles that hinder exposure.
Effects of Long-term on Toxicity Evaluation
Toxicity remains to be a crucial issue in the long-term, especially with TCCD and Chloroform. The diseases caused by TCCD are terminal ailments internationally, while chloroform affects significant organs. These chemicals toxicity is a serious issue since they will continue to affect the human population in the future if proper interventions are not invented (Maqbool, Mostafalou, Bahadar, & Abdollahi, 2016). Human health will remain to be a challenge due to the diseases brought forth by these toxic elements.
Greatest Negative Effects
Chloroform showcases the highest adverse impacts on the human body system. To be precise, it affects the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. Prolonged exposure to chloroform damages the above-mentioned organs, hence affecting the human bodys functionality. Immediately after exposure, the victim experiences severe headaches, and poor vision and hearing capabilities (CDC, 2011). While it was being used as an anesthetic, many people lost their lives. Thus, its effects can be experienced immediately and also in the long term.
There exist various toxins that showcase numerous effects on human health. Chloroform portrays adverse effects since it affects major organs such as the brain, kidney, and liver. On the other hand, TCCD has adverse effects on the long-term since it causes diseases such as hypertension and diabetes due to the consumption of animal products. The worst toxin is formaldehyde because it causes breathing complications and damages to the intestines. In this case, all these toxins should be avoided since they affect human health negatively.
Babayemi, J. O., Ogundiran, M. B., & Osibanjo, O. (2016). Overview of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects of Pollution in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Nigeria. Environmental Quality Management, 26(1), 51-71.
Bass, B. P., Engel, K. B., Greytak, S. R., & Moore, H. M. (2014). A review of preanalytical factors affecting molecular, protein, and morphological analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue: how well do you know your FFPE specimen?. Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine, 138(11), 1520-1530.
CDC. (2011). NIOSH 1988 OSHA PEL Project Documentation: Chloroform. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Retrieved from
Maqbool, F., Mostafalou, S., Bahadar, H., & Abdollahi, M. (2016). Review of endocrine disorders associated with environmental toxicants and possible involved mechanisms. Journal of Life sciences, 145, 265-273.
Velagapudi, S., Kumar, A., & Saripalli, M. V. (2017). Application of the US EPA’s risk‐screening indicators model and toxic release inventory database to study pollution prevention trends in paper manufacturing industry. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 36(3), 808-814.
about the worst toxin
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