Vaccination should be mandatory for all infants.

Vaccination (immunization) effectively controls a variety of childhood diseases (McGovern & Canning, 2015). Immunization has significantly reduced outbreaks of a variety of contagious and deadly diseases that affect children. Many children who have not been vaccinated, on the other hand, remain highly vulnerable to a variety of conditions (McGovern & Canning, 2015). This academic paper argues that all children should be vaccinated, regardless of their personal, cultural, or religious beliefs. To achieve this broad goal, the article discusses the advantages of immunizing infants. Also, the paper discusses some of the factors that have hampered the vaccination of all children.
Diseases affect the majority of children. All barriers preventing effective immunization should be eliminated if the world has to actualize complete eradication of vaccine-preventable illnesses. Finally, the entire world should put more effort in ensuring full coverage of immunization in all countries.


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