the role of the police

The roles and responsibilities of police officers vary based on the political background of the region. The most important roles of police around the world include the following: the protection of citizens and their belongings, the preservation of peace and order, and the enforcement of the law. Aside from that, these police officers aid in emergency, search, and rescue circumstances. Officers also help with traffic management in other countries; encouraging and maintaining good order; gathering intelligent intelligence on public issues; and participating in the preparation of new officers, motivating, and ensuring the safety of police staff. Police officers also register and investigate various crimes reported to them by the complainants; law enforcement officers also keep records and protect government institutions.

Use of law has promoted the effectiveness of police service in various ways. The laws are numerous laws that govern the conducts of law enforcement officers as they perform their duties, the laws also aid in improving the welfare of the police service as well as improving the public relationship between the police and the citizens. For example, the requires the police to fulfill the duty imposed on them. Secondly, the law requires police officers not be involved in corruption also police officers should not discriminate people also they should respect and uphold human dignity. On the other hand, some of this laws prevent the police from performing their activities efficiently. For example, rules allow suspects that found committing the crime by the police can still appear before the court to have his detention reviewed. Also, the prevents police to use force in making the arrest for even criminals that are armed this has resulted in losing of many lives of this policemen.

Events Leading to Community Policy

It is the belief held by the police that they should consider public views in their operation and collaboration with the local people to help in solving local crime. There are their events that usually results to community policy era they include: preservation of peace and crime prevention. City policy will help the public to monitor and police activities as well as reporting criminals to the police. The second event is communication policing, in this event police officers should cooperate with local community and respect the community tradition and also at all times be agents of consensus. The interaction between the police and community enhances the provision of their security.

Finally, the last event is community building policing; police should try to build a personal relationship with the community since most communities are changing and flexible. Police officers should also build the community as it will help in giving shape to the police obligation. The appropriate role of the police in the community contributes to strengthening community institutions as well as establishing good relationship hence makes the community to be able to hand their problems.

Problem of Police Fragmentation

It is defined as the devolving the police structure into local levels to avoid concentration of management of police on the national basis. The reasons for fragmentation mainly as a result of beliefs that local problem can be the best handle by the police at local level. Also, the second reason for fragmentation in the US is that fear of the citizens of the Republic of being controlled by the federal police.

Policing fragmentation has been found to be inefficient it also reduces the operation of the police officers. The other main challenges associated with fragmentation is that it makes it difficult for the formation of laws to fight crime at both regional and local level. Fragmentation lacks uniformity in recruitment standards; it has a wasteful repetition of work; awkward in sharing crime information between the agencies and finally it’s hard to manage police activities across the states.


The police. An introduction fourth edition. Michael D. Lyman ISBN – 13:978 – 0 – 13 5006971 – 7


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