possible solutions facing who

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is a specialized agency tasked with supplying international public health services to a number of countries. The organization’s offices are in Geneva, Switzerland. It belongs to the United Nations Development Community. As the name means, the nonprofit organization is in charge of ensuring proper delivery of health care and the maintenance of proper health/hygiene practices through various international organizations (Blas and Anand 88). In addition to the above, the association is active in the organization of numerous humanitarian activities aimed at maintaining good health and raising awareness of proper health standards. According to the company profile, the organization is charged with building a better and healthier future for people all around the World (Blas and Anand 88). This is achieved by partnering with other stakeholders who also share the common goal. The overall result is assurance of highest attainable health for all individuals regardless of the age. WHO is mostly concerned with epidemics which serve to wipe a large number of individuals within a short time (French 11). The epidemics which are of concern are mostly for diseases which are relatively curable, and a lack of awareness is the reason behind the epidemic’s prevalence. As of today’s standards, the organization has been successful in eradicating smallpox. Its top priority by today’s standards includes HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Malaria, and tuberculosis. The organization has also taken a keen interest in reproductive health, development, aging, reproductive health, substance abuse and many others. All the issues conform to matters which affect our daily lives and routine practices. The WHO is charged with making the World Health Report which consists of profiles from various different states and countries.

In light of all that has been mentioned above, one cannot fail to note that the WHO is indeed an important entity in terms of ensuring the health and proper hygiene standards are ensured across the World (Wolf 13). The problems faced by such an organization are likely to manifest themselves in the form of health issues which are seemingly difficult to combat. A proper and applicable example is Ebola which was a looming threat to the West African countries. In light of the above, majority of problems which will be discussed as per the following segment will mainly comprise of health issues which the World is yet to come to terms by (McLeish 123). The health issues under discussion will mainly consist of those which the organization deals with (Blas and Anand 88). In addition to the above, the report will also cover the various mitigation issues which are worthwhile to consider in the process of tackling the above-mentioned issues.

Perceived/Real Problems Facing WHO and its Solutions

According to the World health organization website, nutrition poses as one of the most renowned issues during the process of dealing with proper health and issuing of proper health. Malnutrition is caused by the lack of specific nutrients in an individual’s diet. Food plays a huge and very substantial role in ensuring proper health toward individuals (Hoque et al. 112). Lack of specific nutrients not only leads to susceptibility to diseases but also causes deficiency diseases which are due to lack of the nutrients themselves. The company profile explains that over one hundred and four million are underweight and that undernutrition is the leading cause of about one-third of children death (McLeish 123). These deaths are mainly concentrated in areas where in the World there is an apparent lack of awareness of proper nutrition standards. The reason as to why lack of proper nutrition presents itself as an issue is because the organization is not involved in food production and food distribution in many regions. In light of the above, it is actually possible for the organization to coordinate health-related campaigns and practices just to have it all be in vain due to improper nutrition habits (Hoque et al. 114). The organization itself has been involved in some awareness programs that aim to advocate for proper nutrition habits among the affected individuals. This is not enough to alleviate the problem entirely.

It is worthwhile noting that overweight and obesity are also problems pertaining to nutrition and proper health standards which are mostly concentrated the in more developed regions of the World. The organization reports that about 1.5 billion people are overweight and that 500 million are obese (Hoque et al. 114). The facts and figures are as per the last estimation exercise which was done in the year 2010. Obesity is also a pressing issue since the many of the health issues that the WHO is concerned with is attributed to obesity (Hoque et al., 116). Completely alleviating the problems involves regulating the food distribution code which is beyond the jurisdiction of the World health organization (Hoque et al., 116). In essence, it continues to become an issue in matters pertaining to health and the WHO cannot directly control it. This is the reason as to why a lack of proper nutrition has been recognized as a problem facing the organization (Hoque et al. 117). Despite all which has been mentioned above, there are a variety of mitigation techniques which can be employed to ensure proper health standards are strictly adhered to by all means in the nutrition sector.

The organization can advocate for proper nutrition by raising awareness and emphasizing the awareness of proper food consumption techniques. This can be achieved by intensive practices such as providing a guide on the most appropriate food combinations which a person may consume to constitute a balanced diet. The food combinations employed on the guide will consist of readily available foodstuffs in the region and highly affordable ones (Dew 70). In addition to the above, the guide may also specify supplements and other alternative sources of nutrients. The proposed guide together with other awareness techniques will work to ensure that individuals engage in proper nutrition standards. In addition to the above, the organization may also establish partnerships with well-defined organizations such as the World food program and divulge a plan on the proper distribution of foodstuffs with the average nutrient requirements (Schneider 100). In the event that the organization forms partnerships with some of the World’s most renowned food distribution agencies, they may help to solve the issue of nutrition. It is important to note that the organization is divided into programs which are charged with different roles in the overall process of ensuring proper health distribution. The problem which has been covered above is hence directly associated with the nutrition program.

Another widespread problem which faces the organization and the World population, in general, is the declining life expectancy. According to the organization, the overall life expectancy has shown a marked increase but not uniformly in all areas in question. Most notably, the Sub Saharan areas of Africa are where the declining mortality rate is most persistent. The organization itself notes that there are a number of factors which are responsible for a slowly declining life expectancy. Adults are the ones who are slowly suffering a life expectancy drop. The organization notes this to be a pressing problem since it renders most of the health programs it provides as inapplicable (French 13). The problem is worth taking into account since it affects the World at large and the state of the economy. This is due to the fact that a large portion of productive people is being subjected to premature deaths. Hence they are not able to work toward the general uplifting of the economy. Despite all which has been said above, there are a large number of things which the organization can do to improve the overall life expectancy. A larger portion of these implementations will involve siding up with other organizations who share goals similar to that of the World Health Organization (French 41). These include the various iterations of the United Nations group and others such as the World Food Program which had been previously mentioned above.

Finding a solution to the problem of life expectancy will require a thorough investigation into the root of the problem. As already explained above, Sub Saharan Africa is the area where the declining life expectancy is most notable (French 45). The organization should fund various research attempts which will look at the root cause of the issue and mitigate it in whichever way that is possible. Sub Saharan Africa is often characterized by poor sanitation and drainage (more so in the rural settings) lacking access to clean water and food may be the reasons behind the thriving of various illness causing micro-organisms (Blas and Anand 88). The organisms hence cause a wide spread of diseases which are responsible for a declining mortality rate. The organization should hence step in and advocate for various handwashing campaigns and other activities which foster and encourage proper sanitation. In addition to the above, the organization might also advocate for awareness campaigns which hinge on the importance of maintaining proper hygiene on having good health. These campaigns may work to improve the mortality rate by alleviating some of the most common problems behind the majority of deaths in these areas affected. The organization may also focus on another area where there is a net decline in the mortality rate, identify a key issue behind the drop and finally work to develop an alternative solution based on the key issues found (Blas and Anand 89). In light of the above, the organization may also enact a separate program that is charged with investigating the various causes of deaths in places which experience a decline in the mortality rate. Upon finding the strident issue, the program may also form alliances with other programs which are in charge of various segments as per the organization. For instance, if an investigation has revealed that the leading cause of death and a declined mortality rate is lack of proper nutrients, the proposed program will work hand in hand with the nutrition program stated above (Blas and Anand 100). It is important to note that the act of elevating declining mortality levels is a hectic task which requires a large number of resources and outside helps. The organization should hence try, by all means, to gain the governmental support of the region in question. The support will be very beneficial for the various acts and investigative processes which the organization would be involved with. The above analogy has led to the next segment under discussion which is lack of appropriate/sufficient stakeholders.

The organization itself is charged with a great deal of work in advocating for proper health across the World. It is important to note that since the organization is an NGO, it does not hinge on governmental support for the implementation of its various operations (Blas and Anand 67). Instead, it depends on stakeholders and various other sources which often comes once in a while and may or may not be consistent. The various tasks which the organization is involved in require a lot of resources. The funds the organization currently receives is not enough to solve health issues in various places of the World. In some areas, programs are not fully implemented due to the apparent lack of resources. For example, if a program was to be done to cover a specific area, a lack of resources and appropriate equipment will likely reduce the area of operation (Blas and Anand 88). The health-related operation will now cover a smaller area than it was originally intended for. This, as can be predicted, leads to an apparent lack of effectiveness toward proper health advocacy. The results of a specific campaign may fall below requirements standards. In light of the above, proper resources are crucial for the proper implementation of the organization’s campaigns. Gaining a reliable source of funds and support requires partnerships with a large number of agencies or relevant stakeholders. The organization can overcome this hurdle by calling for assistance from any candidate that seems plausible based on the comprehensive set of circumstances (McLeish 123). The agency may also regularly release a report on the activities it has been involved in a specified period of time. The report should contain many different clauses such as the number of resources which had been previously budgeted at that time compared to the resources which were actually consumed. In addition to the above, the organization should also showcase the goals it has for the future, the visions and how it will act in order to make the visions a reality (McLeish 77). Doing so may attract a large number of stakeholders who will be very interested in the overall cause and the practices of ensuring proper health. The organization may also set aside an award giving day which recognizes some of the individuals and stakeholders who have been of great support towards the mission of ensuring proper health. The nominees for the awards should include governmental agencies, governments, companies/businesses and individuals who have exceptionally helped the organization during a time of need. This would not only raise awareness, but also prompt other individuals/stakeholders to support the organization in any way they can in order to achieve recognition.

The organization may also work on awareness campaigns which serve to remind individuals of the complexity of the task which the organization is involved with (Schneider 104). Doing this may allow an individual to actually grasp the importance and sheer complexity of the function involved. This allows the individual to empathize with the organization and actually relate to why they may be in need of the tremendous support which they are asking for. Establishing this will work significantly to ensure that the organization gains whichever support the stakeholders are willing to offer and hence by doing so, accumulate a wide array of resources. The various programs will, therefore, be able to reach their full potential in light of circumstances.

The organization as briefly explained above, is not perfect and is hence subject to an increased degree of issues (Schneider, 105). This is especially when taking into account the fact that it covers a large geographical area. The problems faced are also characterized by a variety of mitigation techniques which may or may not be practical to apply. Some of the mitigation techniques which have been covered may or may not be advantageous for instance, looking for support from governments (Hoque et al. 112). Some areas which have pressing health issues are in that state solely due to the fact that the economy is unstable and the government cannot afford to offer help to the organization. In essence, achieving most mitigation techniques may or may not prove to be useful in light of circumstances. Most of the developing countries face this issue of lacking sufficient funds, hence the organization is unable to execute its operations efficiently (Hoque et al. 102). Conclusively, the fact that most of the areas where proper health is wanting are mainly underdeveloped is an issue facing the organization.

The organization is unable to execute proper health care activities in such areas. The only real mitigation that the agency may have for the issue is advocating for support for various stakeholders which may be part of the region in question or even outside help. All in all, the complexity of the tasks provided by the organization warrant a considerable degree of outside help (Dew 71). The final, and probably the most widespread issue which the organization is facing is on the side of administering proper health. This is the issue of awareness. The agency has reported that a significant portion of illnesses and health issues which they combat is due to negligence and an apparent lack of awareness. The declining mortality rate which has been previously mentioned above is also due to lack of knowledge of proper healthcare/hygienic habits. In light of the insight shared above, it is important to note that the organization is charged with creating awareness alongside providing health-related assistance to areas where it is required (Dew 81). Pushing for proper awareness might actually help to reduce the workload which the organization is currently involved in. In essence, it should partner up with different awareness and advertisement companies in order for them to push the prompts for proper healthcare techniques to individuals. Logically speaking, it is more applicable for individuals to take care of themselves than when they fall sick, and the organization has to fund various activities in order for them to get better (French 55). The organization will spend an additional set of resources to prevent future outbreaks which may be inherent; all these hassles would have been avoided if the region in question had access to proper healthcare techniques and had been aware of which ones to employ. In essence, the lack of appropriate awareness is an issue facing the organization, and the only means through which it can efficiently be solved is through pushing for awareness in areas where it lacks.

Connection between Learning Objectives

The Structure of the Agency

Discussing the problems and the various mitigations have led to a thorough grasping of the structure of the World health organization as an agency. First of all, addressing the issues has led to the knowledge that the group operates in a manner that serves to divide each health issue being tackled as a separate program (French 56). The programs are very many, and they aim to cover some of the most pressing health issues which have plagued the human race. For instance, the problem of nutritional imbalance which has been discussed above is tackled by the nutritional well-being program which is part of the organization. Each program handled by the agency is assigned to a particular task, and they benefit well from each other in the case that specific health issues have similar requirements (French 58). The fact that the organization is able to ask for assistance and to keep funds means that it has a public relations department as well as a financial management department. The main parts of the structure are the various departments which are formed as a result of the numerous health programs which are part of the organizations. In light of the above, their structure of the organization is comprised of the multiple departments which a typical organization is characterized together with specialized departments as a result of the various programs (Blas and Anand 99). The insight into the structure of the organization is hence made possible by analyzing the problems and the various mitigation techniques which the organization may employ.

Roles and Responsibility of Organizations

In light of what has been discussed above, one cannot fail to note that the functions of these organizations toward the community in general (Blas and Anand 102). The agencies are charged with ensuring human prosperity and welfare. The organizations hence not only ensure prosperity welfare but also look to the proper distribution of resources. The World health organization, for instance, ensures adequate distribution of assets which are related to health. The organization does not, by all means, advocate for the accumulation of health-related resources in one area while there is a deficiency in others (Blas and Anand 102). As already explained above maintaining a high mortality rate is one of the top most priorities of the organization. The organization maintains a proper mortality rate through various means which even involve merging of two separate and different programs. It achieves this when the interests of the two programs align.

Another role of the organization is to spread awareness which advocates on proper healthcare habits. The healthcare habits include maintaining proper hygiene in addition to using the right number of drugs (Blas and Anand 111). Recently, the organization has advocated for sexual education and awareness toward drug and substance abuse. In conclusion, the roles which have been discussed above are all hinged toward creating a conducive environment for human living and human habitation. This summarizes the purpose of such organizations in the community.

Workings of Public Agencies

As already explained above, the roles of the majority of public agencies include ensuring proper distribution of resources and upbringing of human welfare (Dew 88). The organizations achieve this by forming alliances with various other organizations or entities that share a similar vision with the NGO in question. Through the discussion of the problems faced by the World health organizations, we are able to uncover that most of the agencies work through collaboration with other renowned organizations to ensure fair practices. The World health organization, as already explained above, may work hand in hand with the World food program in order to distribute balanced and nutritious foodstuffs to different parts of the World (Dew 88). Public agencies also work by gaining aid from stakeholders and famous icons. The government can also offer support to various non-governmental organizations as long as they are benefiting the nation. The methods of working which have been discussed above have been discovered as a result of examining the issues which plague the World health organization.

Research and Analyze Topics

This objective has been achieved solely because factual information and data was able to be collected on the topic which is a public entity. Through research, information has been able to cover on the subject of the agency and the various issues it is currently facing. Applying general knowledge and experience on the subject of mitigations have helped to discover some of the solutions to the problems which the organization faces. Further research has also made it easier for the mitigations to be uncovered and analyzed. This was achieved through looking up organizations similar to the World health organization and the problems they have faced. Further research has also revealed the mitigations which these agencies used to end their issue. These mitigations are hence applied to the World health organization which faces a similar problem. Analysis of topics is also a crucial part of the research. Through investigation, various trends are able to be uncovered concerning many phenomena hence essential deductions are made. The analysis is therefore a essential part of the research. Thorough research has allowed for proper correlations of various similar organizations and the World health organization. In conclusion, the above discussion displays a widened prowess of research and application skills.


The World health organization is charged with ensuring proper health all throughout the World. The organization achieves this through a collection of processes which may or may not bring desirable results. Given the broad Jurisdiction of the agency itself, it is worthwhile to note that it will be plagued with issues on the overall process of achieving proper health care. The problems, as already explained above, can be mitigated but the mitigation techniques are not always desirable to some extent. In some cases, the organization is left with an issue breathing down its neck with no means of solving it. An iteration has been explained above, where the agency lacks proper funds and resources to fully implement a health program. The country in question is characterized by a weak economy hence the government is unable to support the cause in any way. Despite the above, the majority of the issues which the organization is facing are exceedingly manageable with the correct coordination of inputs and resources. Discussing the group in terms of the problem it faces and the mitigations which exist for the various issues have also allowed for the proper understanding of organizational roles. The role of the World health organization, for instance, is to ensure an appropriate health and adequate distribution of health-related resources. Additionally, the role pertains guaranteeing the uplifting human welfare and generally making the surroundings conducive for human habitation. Discussing the issues has also allowed for grasping how a single organization works. The World health organization, for instance, forms collaborations with various different similar agencies such as the World Food Program. It is important to note that the agency works closely with others which advocate for proper health in general. These include organizations for appropriate hand washing and those concerned with HIV/AIDS. Finally, it is worthwhile to note that discussing the organization has given rise to a vast array of research skills which have allowed for the deductions and comprehensive conclusions which have been made concerning the topic. The research done has permitted for thorough understanding the problem and the various issues which apply to the problem at hand. Additionally, proper research and deductions techniques have been achieved thanks to the problem in question and its analysis. In general, discussing the issue in question has led to a more through and pronounced view on the roles of the organization in maintaining proper human welfare. In addition, it has led to the development of extensive research techniques which will serve in future discussions.

Works Cited

Blas and Anand. Equity, social determinants and public health programmes. Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2010. Print.

French. Social marketing and public health: theory and practice. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

Schneider. Introduction to public health. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Print.

Wolf. Managing a nonprofit organization: updated twenty-first-century edition. New York: Free Press, 2012. Print.

McLeish. Successful marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations: winning in the age of the elusive donor. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2011. Print.

Hoque et al. Performance management in nonprofit organizations: global perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2014. Print.

Dew. The cult and science of public health: a sociological investigation. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012. Print.

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