The Kumare Film: A Critical Analysis “The Kumare Film” is a documentary film released in the United States in 2011. Vikram Gandhi, an American filmmaker, is the director of the…
The Kumare Film: A Critical Analysis
Pages: 8
Words: 2160
View: 3585
“Documentary Film and the Discourse of Hysterical/Historical Narrative.”
Lucy Fischer’s article “Documentary Film and the Discourse of Hysterical/Historical Narrative.” Lucy Fischer analyzed Ross McElwee Sherman’s film “Documentary Film and the Discourse of Hysterical/ Historical Narrative” in March 1985…
Pages: 3
Words: 636
View: 3467
What were the causes of Shays’s Rebellion, and what does it tell us about postwar America?
Economic despair, caused by the Congress’s inability to pay, was one of the primary causes of Shays’ Rebellion. Congress was able to generate funds that they could use to fund…
Pages: 3
Words: 574
View: 3097