Movie Review: The Titanic

The Titanic is one of the twentieth century’s most famous films. Kate Winslet plays Rose DeWitt Bukater, Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jack Dawson, Billy Zane plays Caledon ‘Cal’ Hockley, Gloria Stuart plays Old Rose, Kathy Bates plays Molly Brown, and Bill Paxton plays Brock Lovett (Reporters, Telegraph). The film’s genres are mystery and romance, and people above the age of 18 are permitted to watch it. The film was the most expensive to be released at the time of its release, with a budget of nearly $200 million dollars (Huang 22). The thing that makes the movie so outstanding from other movies it is the ability that the director capture historical event to near perfect. James Cameroon movie remains one of my favourite films of all time because it captures a historical event and keeps the story going, enduring love story, superb acting, and masterful direction.

The movie starts in the present day the dark ages of the 1990s with the Bill Paxton crew searching the wreck of the legendary Titanic ship. Upon finding the wreck of the ship, they find a drawing of a woman wearing the diamond they were looking for (Reporters, Telegraph). Upon taking the picture to the media, Lovett receives a phone call from an old lady who claims she is the one on the picture. Nobody at the time believes the old woman, but they decide to fly her in any way. At the time Rose seems she was not interested in taking a trip with the unsinkable ship and she is travelling with her fiancé and her mother (Huang 18). On the other hand, Jack is playing poker game and the tickets to get on the Titanic are at risk. He wins the game, and together with his friend, they rush to get on board. Jack meets Rose when she is trying to throw herself off the ship. At this point, Jack is detained for trying to assault rose but save Jack at last with a story she makes up.

Jack steal Rose heart at takes her dancing below the deck and draws her nude the picture that Bill Paxton and his crew find in the wreck of the ship. This scene makes Rose fall in love with Jack and opens herself to him, and they end up sealing their love in the back of the car. While the love drama between Jack, Rose, and Cal is going one, the Titanic has her woes. The ship increase speed to reach New York earlier that anticipated but the speed makes its hard for the crew to spot an iceberg that is ahead of them (Huang 17). The damage created by the iceberg is immense, and it makes the ship to start sinking. Sadly the lifeboats are not adequate to execute every passenger in the ship. However, Jack and Rose do not make it to the lifeboats and decide to back to the ship, but they manage to avoid drowning. They find a door that Rose can float on. The movie ends with a spectacular scene with Rose dying in her bed with photos.

The costuming of the Titanic is elaborate, and it makes the film is considered a formalist cinema. The film is formalist as it makes use of heroes such beautiful women Rose and courageous Jack. The story takes place Titanic on of the most prestigious and biggest liner ever built, and the scenes are exotic. Mainly the director Cameron succeeds in linking the young film lovers Rose and Jack. Moreover, the movie makes use of symbolism on several occasions (Huang 12). The greatest symbolism in the movie comes evident when Jack attends the party with the life that Rose is trying to escape while the same life is the one that Jack is yawning for. Moreover, the opposite happens when Jack takes Rose down to the lower, and the viewers experience her being a cheerful and newfound personality (Reporters, Telegraph). Consequently, the diamond neckless rose wearing is a symbolism of the undying love between Rose and Jack. Similarly, the Titanic is considered to have both realistic and romantic. The facts that at the end of the movie Jack dies is practical. Further, the use of distorted cameras in the camera angles, camera movement, and wide-angle shot makes a move have a realistic feeling.

In conclusion, the Titanic remain one of the best movie ever produced. The genre of the film is both drama and romance with people over the age of 18 allowed to watch the film. Mainly the director Cameron succeeds in linking the young film lovers Rose and Jack. Moreover, the film makes use of symbolism on several occasions. The greatest symbolism in the movie comes evident when Jack attends the party with the life that Rose is trying to escape while the same life is the one that Jack is yawning for. The movie captures a historical event effectively bring out the events that took place at the time.

Works Cited

Huang, Yu-kai. “A cognitive investigation of love metaphors: A multimodal analysis of sea journey in Titanic.” (2016).

Reporters, Telegraph. “Titanic Is On TV Tonight – But How Much Did We Like It Back In 1997? Read The Original Telegraph Review”. The Telegraph, 2017,

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