Legalization for Recreational Cannabis

We will discuss drug prohibition in the fifty states of the United States of America in this article. Marijuana is a dynamic and contentious issue due to the many benefits and drawbacks associated with it. Marijuana has a range of benefits, including the fact that it is extremely addictive while used (Kevin). According to the patient and medical professional studies, marijuana is an important medicine for treating many diseases. As a result, medical marijuana should be legal in all fifty states in the United States of America. Marijuana legalization, especially recreational marijuana legalization, should be followed by effective government regulation (Noel). It should be noted that recreational marijuana has been very effective in curing patients psychological in various states of the United States of America. More, importantly Cannabis has been in existence since the period of around 700BC when there was development about its legalization. For instance, in the year of 1619, there was a resolution that was passed into law in the James-town colony of Virginia. According to the law, all peasant or farmers were supposed to cultivate native plant (Kevin). The Hemp or Sativa plant was preferred mainly due to their strong fibre useful while manufacturing clothes, ropes among others. Therefore, marijuana legalization will not be a new issue in the history of the United States of America

Marijuana started being used for medical purposes starting from the period of 2900BC. Various cultures and nations by that time had realized the importance of marijuana in fighting against sicknesses. For instance, in the Egyptian and Chinese population, Marijuana was used in counteracting several illnesses like leprosy, gout, inflammation among others. The period of 1900 was a turning point towards the increased populace of marijuana. In Asian countries particularly south Asia, it was used in treating diseases like bronchitis, asthma among others. Following its increased populace, because of limited knowledge resulting from lack of proper research attempts to stop marijuana emerged. Following the above campaigns, developments emerged in the 1970S after making serious research on marijuana basing on its positive and negative consequences. The above developments were followed by the various missions to put to an end the laws against the use of marijuana. Various sources and studies reveal that marijuana is significant when it comes to fighting against some illness that fights against human beings.

In addition, the legalization of recreational marijuana leads to the creation of more employment opportunities. The general acceptance of marijuana will lead to more jobs being created especially in the formal sector thus reducing the unemployment problem. In addition, it is relevant in encouraging consumer protection and satisfaction. The legalization of marijuana will elevate standards that it should have before being accepted to be used by the public, which will guarantee consumer protection (Wallace).

In addition, marijuana is increasingly being appreciated among the population of the various states of the United States of America. Almost 28 states have already agreed on the legalization of the use of medical marijuana and in other eight states of the US, that there is no criminalization of the use of recreational marijuana among the old population. With 58 percent of Americans supporting marijuana, it is a clear indicator that marijuana has a great benefit and has to be legalized throughout the fifty states of the United States of America (Normal). Medical marijuana possesses many health benefits among the population.

Recreational marijuana still faces some resistances from given states but various campaigns are ongoing in other states to be legalized and restricted to the old population. Therefore, according to research carried out it can be urged that marijuana whether medical or recreational have both physical and social benefits to the citizens of the fifty states of the United States of America and should be legalized (Jeffery and Waldock).

​ Similarly, According to (Health Care) various drugs that may even be more costly like marijuana like menthol cigarettes are legal and available in most markets within the United States of America. Research carried out show that over 25000 health individuals died in the year 2013 due to over drinking alcohol. In addition, over 16000 deaths that occurred in 2013 were attributed to liver illness emanating from the consumption of alcohol. Furthermore, 2.2 million persons were victims of arrests associated with alcoholism in the year 2012. Alcoholism and cigarettes have the same effects for instance over 500000 people according to research die on yearly basis due to smoking and over $140 billion are incurred while treating smoking related complications. Therefore, the mere fact that these drugs are legal in all the states of the United States of America, for purposes of legal consistency, also marijuana should be legalized.

In addition, basing the analysis on revenues, legalization of recreational marijuana has a greater impact on increasing the total tax base in the various states of the United States of America (Skip). For instance in Colorado where marijuana has been legalized, there has a drastic increase in the total revenue collections. For instance, in the year 2014, over $ 6 million taxes were collected due to the legalization of marijuana, Even in other states like Washington lot of revenues in form of taxes have also been collected from marijuana-related trade. Therefore, other state where marijuana legalization has not yet happened loses the benefits from the luxurious product.

Finally, legalization of marijuana can play a significant role in reducing the amount of costs and expenses that are incurred by the United States of America in looking after marijuana prisoners. It should be noted that the prisons of the US are overcrowded and Government faces many hardships in maintaining them, therefore the legalization of marijuana will be significant in relieving the government of unnecessary expenditures. Governments of the different states need to be prudent while legalizing marijuana by having Similar mechanisms that regulate other drugs like alcohol otherwise marijuana is good for the economic prosperity of the different states of the United States of America.

Conclusively, the topic of legalization of marijuana is complex and controversial there is the need for the different states of the united states of America to put across mechanisms that can allow legalization of recreational marijuana with minimal negative effects resulting from its legalization. For instance, Government should come up with a clear regulatory framework as it has done with other drugs like alcohol and cigarettes for purposes of minimizing its risks and maximizing the benefits of marijuana as analyzed above.

Annotated Bibliography

Merino, Noel. Medical Marijuana. Detroit: Green haven Press, 2011. 23-24, 27, 29-32, 35-38, 96-97,101,105,127-128. Print

The article provides a clear analysis of the various controversies regarding the legalization of marijuana. In addition, the article also provides a deep insight on the reasons behind people’s preference for marijuana. For instance, over 23 percent of the American citizens are interested in having marijuana be legalized for personal or selfish reasons; on the other hand, over 51 percent of the Citizens prefer marijuana legalization basing on medical perspective.

Norml. “Working to Reform Marijuana Laws.” About NORML. N.P., 29 June 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. 

The article provides the works done by Norman’s mission in a bid to gather public support through sensitization about the importance of marijuana. The article also provides various developments being done to offer safety of marijuana lobbyists and patients. The article provides various benefits derived from consumption of marijuana highlighting about both health and psychological benefits among others.

Health Care, Pharmaceuticals’ reasons recreational marijuana should be legal in all 50 states. (2014). Retrieved from http: //

The article summarizes the reasons why recreational marijuana should be accepted basing on three reasons. It explains the benefits that are derived from the consumption of marijuana like increased revenue to the Government. It provides statistics from various states that have already enjoyed the benefits of marijuana legalization inform of increased tax base. The article compares marijuana with other drugs like alcohol and cigarettes looking at both the costs and benefits

Alicia Wallace. The Cannabis Staff. Where is weed legal? Map of U.S. marijuana laws by state. (2016). Retrieved from

The article provides statistics of the various states of the United States of America where marijuana legalization has already taken place. It shows medical marijuana as the most prominent in the various states with recreational marijuana being rejected in some states. It also shows the various developments that are being made in the adoption and legalization of the marijuana drug in the different states of the United States of America. It also provides the hindrances that have been encountered in the effort to promote the use of marijuana.

Sources cited

Miller, Skip. “Don’t Legalize Marijuana.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times (2010).

Miron, Jeffery, and Katherine Waldock. “The Budgetary Impact of Ending Drug Prohibition.” CATO Institute. N.P. (2010).

Sabet, Kevin. “Ohio Laws & Penalties.” Working to Reform Marijuana Laws. N.P., n.d. “There Are Smarter Ways to Deal With Marijuana Than Legalization.” US News. U.S. News & World Report, (2014)

Alicia Wallace. The Cannabis Staff. Where is weed legal? Map of U.S. marijuana laws by state. Retrieved from (2016).

Health Care, Pharmaceuticals. 3 reasons recreational marijuana should be legal in all 50 states. Retrieved from http: // (2014).

Norml. “Working to Reform Marijuana Laws.” About NORML. N.P., 29 June 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. 

Merino, Noel. Medical Marijuana. Detroit: Green haven Press, 2011. 23-24, 27, 29-32, 35-38, 96-97,101,105,127-128. Print

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