federal policies and climate change

The temperature of a location varies according to time zone. Regardless of the fluctuations, the atmosphere is gradually changing due to well-known factors. Climate change has an impact that can be felt all over the globe. Scientists claim that environmental technologies add greatly to climate change. The effect on the environment is caused by the emission of radioactive smoke into the atmosphere. The statement establishes a foundation for adequate care to be taken. According to science, the most fragile substance, the ozone layer, is exposed to several emissions. Because of their acidic nature, the compounds released into the environment can respond. The Ozone layer is weakened leading to changes in the climate. Some of the scientists disagree basing their argument on the samples collected for analysis. They argue that emissions cannot cause any impact leading to climate changes.

Presidential administrations most often experience challenges when federal policies are changed. The federal laws apply to all states and once changed then the government becomes a problem. The impact caused has to be administered carefully due to the population size of each state. The policies have to guide the people and help to restore order among the habitants of the country. The impact created when the law is changed both negative and positive results on the administration of the government. Some of the policies are adjusted to help increase government revenue whereas some are to restrict residents and no-residents from carrying on criminal activities. The systems enhance administration hence ensuring proper actions are considered. By adopting federal laws, the United States is guaranteed of smooth administration. According to Dessler & Parson, politics is part of tools used to gear development.


Dessler, A., & Parson, E. A. (2009). The science and politics of global climate change: A guide to the debate. Cambridge University Press.

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