Factors of Success Affecting Youth from Low-Income Families


This inquiry study examines the issues that affect the achievement of youth from impoverished homes. It identifies some factors and necessary circumstances for the progress of a child with a financial shortcoming. It also assesses how the utilities of facility contribution, acquaintance systems, and several internal influences affect success.

Keywords: Low-income families, Youth, Poverty, Transition, Social support, Development

Factors of Success Affecting Youth from Low-Income Families

The changeover from education to employment is often difficult for youth from impoverished communities and is a topic that is gaining increasing public attention. Youth from impoverished backgrounds will often lack opportunities to succeed in life, and this may have a significant impact on their development. It is essential to identify impoverished people as a basis of difficulties for youth and uses this to develop research on how to identify factors affecting the development of the child and also find suitable solutions for this particular population group. The poverty problem has changed the youth significantly and has led to worse outcomes after school. Immediate steps of action need to be taken after considering the available literature on this particular subject.



The study is a quantitative research study exploring factors related to the development and success of a low-income population in an urban setting.


The participants include 600 respondents between the ages of 17 and 21 which is a critical time in development to adults. It is a period which is characterized by occupation or participation in education. The age also represents the period in which resident amenities engage youth in the labour aspect. These youths may not be in school, gaining knowledge or in employment. The population is surrounded to a standardized collection of topics through the use of addition or elimination standards. The subsequent cluster will consist of the object collection, and this will help the researcher to make generalizations (Watkins & Howard, 2015). The participants fitting the given criteria from the given area are selected as a reduced expediency cluster of the objective populace. The use of probability selection in quantitative research has helped to reduce mistakes and prejudices in the investigation. The scholar will find the titles of all the respondents and implement these in the study. In this quantifiable investigation, the scope of the model will be considered in the project phase. The investigators must collect the possible leading example consequently illustrative of the marked populace. The primary case can be unable to find various topics by failure to participate therefore resultant into the attained case. The inferior the reply proportions the less representative the data becomes. The reply amount will be associated per the standard in comparable lessons to guarantee a satisfactory model scope.

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Measurable statistics will be composed to categorize and define the qualities as well as activities and happenings of the given population. Information gathering must be impartial, organized and redouble. The investigator will use the modest method of gathering statistics to acquire responses related to the examination inquiry. Considering the differentials involved, the information gathering tool for this particular investigation consists of a survey (Holland & DeLuca, 2016). The questionnaire will target students from secondary schools and integrated youth service centres to recruit the respondents. The study will be utilized to gather data on approaches, information as well as knowledge of the staff. It involves the use of a quantitative self-report technique, and this will be utilized to gather the information.


The survey will contain three fragments. The first section of the study incorporates the implementation of a scale to gain information on the attitudes of the participants on issues related to poverty and education as well as job attainment. A survey will frame reports which the investigator considers to represent the idea being assessed without passing the authentication procedure utilized in a gauge. The survey contains both positive as well as negative responses related to the reports connected to different reply choices alternating from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” (Watkins & Howard, 2015). Affirmative statements are counted one to six, and the tallies are upturned for adverse reports. A cover memo will be shown with the survey to clarify the purpose of the investigation and ensuring discretion of the replies. A quick notice will be referred to the participants three weeks afterward the preliminary interaction. The questionnaire will involve close completed queries which are well-organized and time valuing to the participants, and the instructions will be perfect. The survey will cover all features of the subjects being assessed.

A validation assessment will check to ensure there are adequate, appropriate queries dealing with all the features being investigated and that unrelated queries are not inquired. Measures obtained from the structured survey comprised those regarding the development of youth, facility contribution, acquaintance systems, domestic issues and other population-related information from the participants. The measure of progress consists of five dimensions and this included intellectual attainment, job success, financial capability, psychological well-being and prosocial performance (Kintyre et al., 2015). Each of the scopes was measured using a complex mark on a collection of five fact assessment objects. Three dimensions of service participation were considered in the study, and these included the size of networks, the number of systems in high occupation position and number of associates with progressive societal knowledge. In terms of internal influences, there were four dimensions identified, and these included the marital status of the parents, educational attainment, employment status and the number of older brothers and sisters.


The study revealed several measures of youth development as well as variables related to the success of youth. The respondents consisted of 56% male and 44% female. The average age of these respondents was 19.22 years. It was reported that about 55% of these had finished senior secondary school and about 36% went to college. The regular number of domestic participants was 4.2 which were superior to 3.1 of the people (Neotenies & Homemaker, 2016). Respondents had been living in the area for about 13.2 years on average. Among these, there were 5.96 who were employees and 83.2% were students and 1% of these joined occupation exercise platforms while 7.6% selected under the term “others.” The hypothesis tested was that of service participation as well as friendship networks and family support as well as their explanatory power on the respondents. The regression analysis was used to assess the comparative influence of these various influences on numerous measures of expansion.

The study revealed that getting professional preparation and facilities of social personnel had significant progressive effects on the youth’s chance to flourish regardless of coming from an impoverished upbringing. Reversion examinations disclosed that the receipt of shared occupation services had appositive effects on hypothetical accomplishment, job actions as well as psychological well-being (Benner et al., 2016). Furthermore, the services provided by helping professionals contributed to work performance as well as mental health. It also revealed that involvement in work preparation platforms had no important consequence on any feature of youth development. The study also shows that relationship systems contribute to minority progress. Reversion examinations revealed that great friendship connections had a significant effect on issues related to occupation as well as education (Tyrique, 2015). The results also showed that having acquaintances with a good education as well as employment and good social aspects had a good impact on prosocial behaviour. The study also revealed that there was no vital connection between all these aspects as related to development. Regression analyses also assessed the expectation of growth coming from numerous domestic influences.


Figure 1: Youth unemployment rate

Source: Sabha (2014)


It is clear that the issue of deficiency places a lot of youth at a disadvantage. The research specifies that when those who go through financial hardships are given fair opportunities and resources, then this could have a significant impact on their success. The study manages to reveal the risks, as well as difficulties that are faced by these youths, and they focus on the necessity to examine the aspects that support them to achieve their different monetary circumstances (Holland & DeLuca, 2016). The outcomes of the investigation also assist in assessing how the use of amenities from social workers and occupational preparation contribute to the accomplishment of these underprivileged young people. Social work experts are concerned about applying different aspects of equipping young people with the assertiveness as well as skill sets that are needed to improve their confidence as well as the potential of succeeding. Findings also reveal that the participation of social workers had a positive outcome on the final results of these youth. These findings also indicate that the youth training programs are limited in capability to help these young individuals.

They reveal a need for a comprehensive review of the design as well as the effectiveness of these programs. One aspect revealed as well is that the social groupings are directly linked with the performance of the youth and particularly for youth of low socioeconomic status (Chen et al., 2015). These findings also reveal that having more friends can enhance vocational employment. While revelations also show that use of social services will improve the academic performance of young people, the studies also reveal that factors such as work performance, mental health and the quality of social networks can also be of great importance as well (Robison et al., 2017). The results of this particular study reveal that underprivileged families need access to opportunities as well as various forms of support. Different limits to the survey are present. First, the findings of the study specify that not all the analysts projected have descriptive influence especially regarding the future opportunities of the youth. Another issue of concern is related to the impact of social aspects to identify in assisting this population. It is recommended that there be further study on improved measurement techniques to verify as well as present elaborate findings.



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Holland, M. M., & DeLuca, S. (2016). “Why wait years to become something?” Low-income African American youth and the costly career search in for-profit trade schools. Sociology of Education89(4), 261-278. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038040716666607

Kintyre, K., St Clair, R., & Houston, M. (2015). Shaped by place? Young people’s aspirations in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Journal of Youth Studies18(5), 666-684. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2014.992315

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