Water is one of the fundamental requirements that individuals can’t make due without in the ecosystem. Other than the body system, practically all human activities require consistent water supply for productive tasks. This assertion implies that absence of water supply or the deficient supply of water directly influences the individual’s normal activities. Also, the way that there can’t be existence without water implies that there should be in any event a wellspring of water in the environment, even paying little or no mind to the difficulties in getting constant water supply. Regardless of being a main driving force for all nature, there have still been confirmations of water shortage and this has added to major issues in the environment. Several animals have lost their lives because of dehydration in some of the arid parts of the world (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)). The scarcity or the lack of adequate water in various regions has also led to food shortage due to low crop production. Regarding these ecological challenges, it is essential to understand the state of water supply, and how its scarcity in the future might be a significant challenge to the environment.
The current environmental issues that the world is facing speak volumes in regards to water supply. The increased rate of industrialization and globalization are ostensibly the greatest threats to clean and reliable water supply across the world today. In as much as environmental authorities are doing their best to safeguard the environment and to ensure that the ecological issues are addressed, a lot more still needs to be done to ensure that availability of clean and safe water does not become a challenge to the world population in the future. Even so, it would be still unrealistic to run away from the challenges that are currently affecting the ecosystem as far as water supply is concerned. Researchers and environmental experts believe that with the alarming rate of global warming, there is a high likelihood that access to adequate and clean water would be a global concern. Despite the fact that people have started taking responsibility of their environment through conservation processes, it is also realistic to know that it will take time to regain the state of nature, which has been destroyed largely in the past (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)). In other words, it will take time to reverse the human activities that have contributed to global warming such as deforestation, which has been one of the contributors to scarce water supply.
Concisely, it is substantial to believe that the current state of clean and adequate water supply is likely to worsen in the future with the current environmental status. In as much as various programs are being implemented to ensure adequate and safe water in the future, this is not likely to be achieved. The world population is growing immensely, meaning that the level of consumption is also going up. Moreover, more industries are coming up, which has been one of the major threats to clean and adequate water supply. Thus, it is justifiable to assert that water shortage has been an ecological challenge in the world of today and it will continue to be an issue in the future based on the environmental projections.
Work Cited
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Water in a Changing World. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2 (WWDR2). World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP). N.p., 2009. Web.
Ecology Challenge of water scarcity
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