Department of Veteran Affairs/Gun Control

This article expresses serious questions about problems that U.S. veterans face at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Every day, many veterans and their families around the country struggle. For example, they do not have timely and high-quality access to health-care facilities. The article stresses that some of these shortages are caused by a shortage of committed services from department staff. These claims are valid. In reality, the recently elected president was aware of the problems and vowed to overhaul the agency. Among the changes that can be implemented are better treatment services for veterans. This would encourage them to receive timely access to high-quality healthcare. The writer also suggested empowerment of the VA secretary. Currently, the VA secretary has limited power to influence workers’ in the department to commit themselves to their duties. Empowering the VA secretary will help to ensure a dedicated task force to improve healthcare delivery by implementing all the policy recommendations.

No.2: Gun Control

This post highlights important information regarding the continuing war on gun control in the U.S. Security is important for individuals and prosperity of the entire country. Protecting people who illegally own guns makes the U.S. unsafe. Law firms and legislators should be in the front complementing government’s efforts to create a peaceful society. Unfortunately, law firms, interest groups, and lawmakers challenge government efforts to control the use of guns. The post emphasizes that law firms should collaborate with the legal system to promote law and order in the country. On the other hand, politicians or legislators including the president should help to formulate policies supporting gun control. However, law firms hamper government’s effort by offering free legal services to those arrested for illegal possession and use of weapons. The firms have joined interest groups in alliances to protect gun owners. Unfortunately, if these individuals and their alliances continue to oppose gun control, the country will be risky for people and businesses due to increased cases of shooting and robbery with violence.

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