Co-operative education learning style

The co-operative learning plan is a well-structured approach that incorporates classroom-based curriculum with realistic work experience. The Co-Operational Education Programme, widely known as ‘co-op’ by many academics, helps to provide students with academic credit for formal work experience. The Co-operative Education Plan is currently introducing a new initiative to help young people make a transition to school work.
In addition, the collaborative learning strategy falls under the category of work – integrated learning, but it interchanges the term of school with work in a well-structured phase, thereby requiring a collaboration between the learning institutions and employers and paying students as a whole as they advance their education.
Section A: Co – operative Education Role

Goal 1: Working effectively with others to make constructive contributions

Working Effectively In Teams

To work effectively in teams, students need to attend to both the climate within their group and the process within their group and the process by which they accomplish their tasks (Jackson, 2013). For students to work successfully in teams, they need to communicate clearly on emotional, and intellectual levels. Moreover, group members need to effectively demonstrate sense of the cohesion, and cohesion can only emerge when group members exhibit the listed skills below;

Openness – Team members must be willing to know each other, specifically their different background and interest (Jackson, 2013).Group member must be flexible to new ideas, different individuals within the group and the diverse viewpoints. They should listen to themselves and their elicit ideas (Martin, Rees, Edwards, and Paku, 2012).

Additionally, they need to balance cohesion within their group with the need for the individual expression. The group members must also embrace self – disclosure and trust they need to trust each other enough in order to exchange their feelings and ideas. The mutual sense in groups helps in developing the extend at which every group member is willing to be honest, respectful and self-disclosure. Trust can only be developed when members demonstrate personal accountability for the roles they are assigned to (Martin, Rees, Edwards, and Paku, 2012).

To work effectively, group member need to support each other in accomplishing their task, doing so they help in exemplifying sense of loyalty in team and both cheer the holistically and help each other not view one on another as a competitor but to view one another as collaborators( Zegwaard, and Coll, 2011). Lastly, there is need for respect among the group members, they should communicate their opinions in mutual respect. They should not blame one another for the mistakes they make but rather learn from the mistakes members are making and deduce suitable measures of curbing such mistakes from manifesting in future.

Managing Stakeholders Effectively

In this current era, the issue of stakeholder management in business is more critical than ever. The stakeholder management is more immense in any business and if not properly managed could result in delayed projects, resource drain and even termination of the project (Zegwaard, and Coll, 2011). . Therefore, the following strategies can be used in managing stakeholders effectively;

Mapping Stakeholders – this involves conducting a thorough analysis of the stakeholder that aims at identifying stakeholders. Mapping involves examining and identifying the core factors which include proximity in any given project, interest in project, concerns, demographics and concerns. Is also essential in understanding the internal stakeholders such as immediate suppliers, contractors and staff. Mapping internal stakeholders allows one to investigate whether he/she has appropriate resources and whether the team will work effectively ( Zegwaard, and Coll, 2011). Second strategy is proactive mitigation – through concrete understanding of the stakeholders, their triggers and influence, the next step is then you develop a mitigation strategy (Zegwaard, and Coll, 2011). This step list the risks that you are ready to accept, share and possible steps to be taken to deal with them. Finally, identify both your negotiable and non- negotiable.

Goal 2: work with one’s own and other cultures and diverse perspectives in professional settings

Working with cultural diversity

How culture influences communication

Intercultural communication in its most essential frame alludes to seeing how individuals from various nations and societies act, impart and see their general surroundings. Given the developing multicultural populace in the US, intercultural communication look into is effectively being connected in social insurance settings with the goal that specialists and their staffs can relate adequately to their patients from assorted social foundations. We will impart that examination and particular tips to you.

The best relational abilities are the same in an intercultural setting as those we use to impart inside our own way of life: tune in without judging, rehash what you comprehend, affirm implications, give proposals and recognize a shared comprehension. In any case, when we are speaking with an alternate culture, we have to add to these fundamental aptitudes. We have to assemble some comprehension of how, even with the best expectations, our misperceptions can cause perplexity and make misconception.

A standout amongst the most imperative aptitudes required for intercultural communication is the capacity to perceive, in any given association with somebody from another culture, which of their practices are widespread human practices and which are impossible to miss to a social group(s) and which are particular to that person.

Section B: Goal Development

Dealing with pressure


Jackson, D. (2015). Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. Studies in Higher Education, 40(2), 350-367.

Jackson, D. (2016). Modelling graduate skill transfer from university to the workplace. Journal of Education and Work, 29(2), 199-231.

Jackson, D. (2013). The contribution of work-integrated learning to undergraduate employability skill outcomes. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 14(2), 99-115.

Martin, A., Rees, M., Edwards, M., & Paku, L. K. (2012). An organization overview of pedagogical practice in work-integrated education.

Peach, D., Larkin, I., & Ruinard, E. (2012, November). High-risk, high-stake relationships: building effective industry-university partnerships for Work Integrated Learning (WIL). In Collaborative education: Investing in the future-Proceedings of the 2012 ACEN National Conference (pp. 230-236).

Zegwaard, K. E., & Coll, R. K. (2011). Exploring some current issues for cooperative education. Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships, 45(2), 8-15.

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