The degree to which weather patterns change over many decades is referred to as climate change. This occurrence occurs as a result of both natural and human causes. Since the industrial revolution in 1750, people have contributed to climate change by emitting aerosols and greenhouse gases (Bassett & Fogelman, 50). The phenomenon has far-reaching implications, including a rise in the incidence of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, and storms. People’s lives and property are at risk as a result of these disasters. Climate change also causes changes in precipitation patterns, an increase in sea level, and glacier retreat. The relentless increase in global temperatures is predicted to take place for decades despite the efforts to control the issue, and the impacts are long term. Human beings are affected both directly and indirectly by climate change.

The agricultural sector has been adversely influenced by changes in the climatic conditions. This impact has led to reduced production of crops. Industrialization is believed to be the primary source of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere causing global warming and subsequently negatively impacting on food production (Obermeier et al., 138). Conversely, contrary to expectations, climate change produces severe effects in the developing nations as compared to the more industrialized and developed countries. Probably, this is because of ineffective adaptation measures and scarcity of resources. The high temperatures associated with global warming provide favorable conditions for pest breeding. The pathogens increase in population and destroy crops leading to food insecurity. The sole viable option to see the animals and plants survive is adapting to the new conditions which are conversely limited by the rate of this change.

Most countries employ mitigation methods aimed at minimizing the influences of climate change specifically to improve the food security of their citizens. Measures taken in the Agricultural sector to control this issue include irrigation in dry areas and application of scientific knowledge such as plant genetics to come up with new species that can survive in adverse conditions (Kellner et al., 46). Emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is associated with air pollution which causes diseases such as respiratory infections in humans. Also, floods escalated by climate change facilitates spread of water-borne diseases which cause death. Eventually, productivity and subsequent financial freedom of people is reduced.

Transport systems are devastated or limited in several ways by the changes in the climatic conditions caused by climate change. The destruction negatively impacts on the tourism industry. Consequently, the risk of revenue loss is escalated, tourists’ attraction levels are reduced, and there is massive loss of property. The rise in the sea level, which occurs as a result of climate change, paralyzes recreational activities such as skiing because of the unfavorable conditions. Furthermore, biodiversity loss caused by this phenomenon make plants and animals in their various environments become unable to adapt to change at the same rate that it is occurring (Terence et al., 58). Probably, there is increased danger of depletion of various flora and fauna species because their habitats are being devastated by the impacts of climate change.

Summing up, in attempt to mitigate the impacts of climate change several stakeholders’ inputs; individuals, societies, states, and various communities, are required. Significant policy implementation towards practices that minimizes emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is vital. Similarly, a focus on scientific research, advancement of technology, and urbanization can stem the efforts to curb the rate of climate change and reduce its impacts. While setting prevention measures, policymakers ought to consider the need for appreciating human life.

Work cited

Bassett, T. J. & Fogelman, C. “Déjà vu or something new? The adaptation concept in the climatechange literature.” Geoforum, 48 (2013): pp. 42-53.

Kellner, J., et al. “A coupled hydrological-plant growth model for simulating the effect ofelevated CO 2 on a temperate grassland.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 246(2017): pp. 42-50.

Obermeier, W. A., et al. “Reduced CO2 fertilization effect in temperate C3 grasslands undermore extreme weather conditions.” Nature Climate Change, 7.2 (2017): pp. 137-141.

Terence, D. P., et al. “Beyond predictions: biodiversity conservation in a changingclimate.”Science, 332.6025 (2011): pp. 53-58.

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