Lab report: Properties of Macromolecules
Macromolecules are those with a significant number of electrons, such as nucleic acid, protein, or synthetic polymer (“”BBC – GCSE Bitesize: Macromolecules.””). Since macromolecules make up the majority of living…
Pages: 3
Words: 652
View: 1602
Werner Complex – Preparation and Determination of Structural Formula
A coordination compound is a chemical compound that comprises a metal compound bonded to ligands. Ligands are electron donors of metals and may be photons, ions, or molecules. Metals are…
Pages: 6
Words: 1404
View: 4109
Uk and nuclear energy
Nuclear energy refers to the energy contained in the nucleus of an atom and is the smallest unit of any substance. The two elements in the atom called the protons,…
Pages: 6
Words: 1577
View: 1605