Law is rightly based on the tenets of rational expectations. People make decisions based on the presumption that the rule will not change in a moment. Since the legislation does not completely express a common definition, it cannot be ratified and taken up by the democracy. The rule is therefore insufficiently strong to extend beyond legal precepts to basic realities of human life. The object of the law is to have continuity that will help us when we have problems, hence the need for clarity in the law. T also ned to be adaptable and flexible. This precedence ought to be rewarded priority all people makes mistakes and we all have both good and bad opinions and that non of humanity is always right all the time. We all at one point respect the opinions of someone else. According to Justice Oliver Wendell, life is just but an experiment from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we go to bed to sleep. The choices we make therefore need to be awarded precedence.
The Supreme Court is the nations highest court that is created by the constitution. It is the only organ of the government that is given both original and appellate jurisdiction. The primary mandate of the Supreme Court is to establish legal precedents, which then guide the lower courts of the nation in their future rulings. The opinions of the Supreme Court are explanations of the reasons behind the decisions it makes. These decisions are concurring and dissenting opinions. In as much as the Supreme Court is the highest court of the land, it is not the only court of importance on the United States. There are federal district courts that hear most of the federal cases that can also be appealed to the higher court (Rehnquist, 2011).
Rehnquist, W. H. (2011). The Supreme Court. New York: Vintage Books.
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