Implications of Ageing

Implications of Ageing
Aging is the process of becoming older, and it has a variety of health and social consequences. Obesity, depression, memory loss, and some forms of cancer are examples of such concerns. The myriad health and social issues associated with aging have been solved by health practitioners. Aging has various consequences and strategies that can be used to prevent or reduce the problems that come with it.
Depression is an emotional condition characterized by feelings of intense depression and a lack of interest in one’s favorite hobbies. Depression in the elderly is brought about by life events such as the death of a parent or health complications. Additionally, some elderly are separated from their families and taken to nursing homes for specialized care. Moving away from loved ones creates a feeling of loneliness. Once in the nursing homes, they feel as if their close family members and relatives have abandoned them. Also, it is a challenge for the elderly people to make new friends and adapt the nursing home environment. This has a big contribution to depression (Klimczuk 42). To prevent this problem, the health practitioners prescribe drugs to the depression victims.


Obesity is state of being overweight and, aging is one of the factors contributing to it. Obesity leads to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type II diabetes. Moreover, obesity has a negative psychological impact on the affected elderly people. To prevent this problem, the elderly are advised to do exercises, take healthy meals and reduce too much salt intake. Too much salt brings osmotic imbalance in their bodies and it is the reason it should be avoided (Genova and Lenaz 107). The elderly are also advised to reduce starch and sugar intake.


The common types of cancer affecting the elderly are cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. Increase in age leads to increase the risk of developing cancer (Shi et al. 190). There are various medical interventions put in place by health practitioners to prevent cancer. For cervical and endometrial cancer, women should continue going for gynecological checks regularly. To prevent prostate cancer, elderly men are advised to start regular screening to prevent the development of the malignant cancerous cells. Early screening helps in detecting cancer early and this makes treatment easier. Lung cancer is caused by smoking and it is, therefore, the elderly are advised against it.

Vision Impairment

Vision impairment is a condition where the aged do not either see well or do not see at all. Eye diseases related to age include macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy (Stevens et al. 2380). For the vision loss due to macular degeneration, the health practitioners advise the elderly patients to take vitamin supplements. Also, smokers are advised to stop smoking as it contributes to the problem macular degeneration. Diabetic retinopathy is prevented by reducing impacts of diabetes through good dieting and medication.

Memory Loss

Functioning of the brain is affected by aging due to dying brain cells. The response of an elderly person towards stimuli may be slow due to the sluggish processing of the aging brain (Genova and Lenaz 107). To prevent the problem of memory loss due to aging, health practitioners have come up with various measures. First, they recommend that the elderly do body exercises such as walking and jogging. These exercises facilitate increased circulation of blood hence promoting the development of neurons leading to increased brain power. Secondly, eating a balanced diet is recommended. Further, the elderly should eat fruits so as to provide the body with essential Vitamins B6, B12, C, and E as they help in boosting brain activity.

Works cited

Genova, Maria L., and Giorgio Lenaz. “Implications for Ageing.” Redox Proteins in Supercomplexes and Signalosomes (2016): 107.

Klimczuk, Andrzej. “Creativity and Ageing: Concepts and Controversies.” Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy. Palgrave Macmillan US, (2015): 31-59.

Shi, Shaojun, Klaus Mörike, and Ulrich Klotz. “The clinical implications of ageing for rational drug therapy.” European journal of clinical pharmacology 64.2 (2008): 183-199.

Stevens, Gretchen A., et al. “Global prevalence of vision impairment and blindness: magnitude and temporal trends, 1990–2010.” Ophthalmology 120.12 (2013): 2377-2384.

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