US Foreign Policy

During the twentieth century, the US was positioning itself as the new world superpower in terms of its foreign policy. The US involves itself in global activities in many countries in the world via its military. Its involvement in international activities has led to controversy inside America and also by international locations affected by its participation. One characteristic of the US overseas policy is its military intervention in different nations. The paper shows an analysis of the US involvement in global activities. It also reveals the importance of the current role of the US army in foreign country affairs.
One such usa is Libya which lies in Africa. In the year 2011, the Libyan government-orchestrated violence to dissenting innocent civilians who had been in opposition to the government (Suleiman, 2011). The following year saw an attack on the U.S diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. The attack led to deaths of four America citizens including the US Ambassador. Thus, the US deployed a security force to respond to the security threats. Also, in the year 2014, the US military was involved is Liberia in West Africa. Following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces were involved in response to the threat posed by Ebola (Frieden & Damon, 2015).

The military intervention in Libya was in implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 that authorizes member states to protect civilian citizens who are under attack (Thakur, 2013). It was also the desire of the US to counter terrorism in Libya and protect its diplomatic property. The US foreign policy strives for order and security in the world. Any threat to the safety of the world is an attack on the US-led international order, and this necessitates the use of force through military interventions so as to protect US interests. The US intervened in Liberia due to its belief that we live in an interdependent world. For humanity to have a hopeful future, then it is necessary for the US to cooperate with other countries to address global challenges such Ebola which is a dangerous epidemic.

The decades following the Civil War proved to be some of the most crucial in shaping the US as a nation. Rapid Industrialization and urbanization, the arrival of new immigrant populations, and victories in both World War I and II helped America to mature into the role of a global leader. The period experienced massive industrialization and urbanization thus leading to America’s economic strength. The economic power underwrites its leading role in the world affairs even today. Its economic success helps spread its value of free markets in the international economy. After the civil war was over in 1865, there was the arrival of new immigrant populations. The US kept its borders open to millions of immigrants from other nations. In the late 1800s, many people in the world viewed America as the land of opportunity. The newcomers helped transform America’s society and culture demonstrating that diversity is a source of national strength. Finally, America’s Industrial power led to its military strength. The entry of the US into World War I and II marked the beginning of its path to becoming a global power since it influenced the outcome of both wars.

The US has taken a policing role in international Incidents since World War II for instance, in 1964 and 2003 the US participated in the Vietnam and Iraq war respectively. Also, in support of the War on Terror, the US has deployed its military to Afghanistan and Kosovo. The driving force for these interventions is to safeguard the security of members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The other driving force is its peacekeeping and stability mission in war tone areas.


Frieden, T. R., & Damon, I. K. (2015). Ebola in West Africa—CDC’s role in the epidemic detection, control, and prevention. Emerging infectious diseases, 21(11), 1897.

Suleiman, M. A. (2011). Darfur, a Crisis of Identity & Governance. AuthorHouse.

Thakur, R. (2013). R2P after Libya and Syria: Engaging emerging powers. The Washington Quarterly, 36(2), 61-76.

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